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API Documentation

python cURL



The Rescale REST API provides a programmatic interface for interacting with Rescale’s multi-cloud platform. Rescale’s platform helps you solve the most challenging engineering and scientific problems with unprecedented speed by abstracting away infrastructure, applications, and middleware.

What is a REST API?

An API is an application programming interface - in short, it’s a set of rules that lets programs talk to each other, exposing data and functionality across the internet in a consistent format.

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. This is an architectural pattern that describes how distributed systems can expose a consistent interface. When people use the term ‘REST API,’ they are generally referring to an API accessed via HTTP protocol at a predefined set of URLs.

These URLs represent various resources - any information or content accessed at that location, which can be returned as JSON, HTML, audio files, or images. Often, resources have one or more methods that can be performed on them over HTTP, like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE.

What can I use the Rescale API for?


Endpoint Formatting


Currently only v2 of the following outlined endpoints are officially supported and maintained. Requests that do not include a version identifier will use v1 of the API by default and may be deprecated without notice.


The Rescale API uses authentication tokens to authentication each request. The API requires all requests to be authenticated by passing an https header of the form:

Authorization: Token <api-token>

If you don’t have an api key, you can generate one here.

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" ""
import requests

  params={'page_size': 2, 'page': 4},
  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}
  "results": [


All API requests for lists of objects will return cursor paginated results. The page and page_size query parameters can be used to control pagination. page_size indicates the maximum number of results to return for a page. The page value starts at 1.

The request response will have the following parameters:

User API


The Rescale API provides several top-level endpoints that provide information about options available in the system as a whole.



curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

      "processorInfo":"Intel Xeon E5-2670 v2 (Ivy Bridge) - single threaded",
      "storageIo":"2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write",
      "name":"HPC Test",

This endpoint lists informations on all coretypes available in the Rescale API. The code property can be used in subsequent requests to submit jobs.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
hasSsd boolean Indicates whether this coretype has SSD drives
code String A unique identifier for this coretype, used in other requests
compute String TODO
name String The display name
isDeprecated boolean Indicates if this coretype is deprecated. If true, it cannot be used to submit jobs
price Decimal Price per core hour for on-demand jobs
storage Integer The amount of per-core storage in GB
lowPriorityPrice String The price per core hour for low priority jobs
walltimeRequired boolean Indicates if jobs submitted with this coretype must specify a maximum walltime
displayOrder Integer An integer for sorting coretype displays
io String Indicates the amount of IO available on this coretype, e.g. 10 GB/s
memory Integer The amount of per-core memory in MB
cores Array<Integer> The number of cores on instances of this coretype, with an entry for each instance size
isPrimary boolean Indicates if this is a primary (default) coretype
processorInfo String Processor Information
storageIo String Same as storage
description String A description of this coretype



curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

      "description":"<p><b>Abaqus FEA</b> is a software suite for finite element analysis and computer-aided engineering.  The Abaqus product suite consists of four core software products.  <i>Abaqus/CAE</i>, <i>Abaqus/CFD</i>, <i>Abaqus/Standard</i>, and <i>Abaqus/Explicit</i>.</p><p><i>Abaqus CAE</i> is a software application used for both pre-processing and visualizing finite element analysis results.  <i>Abaqus/CFD</i> provides computational fluid dynamics capabilities, while <i>Abaqus/Standard</i> and <i>Abaqus/Explicit</i> are finite element analyzers that employ implicit and explicit integration schemes, respectively.</p>",
          "stdCommand":"abaqus job=<job> interactive",
          "mpiCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<mpi-ranks> mp_mode=mpi interactive",
          "smpCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<smp-ranks> interactive"
          "stdCommand":"abaqus job=<job> interactive",
          "mpiCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<mpi-ranks> mp_mode=mpi interactive",
          "smpCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<smp-ranks> interactive"
          "stdCommand":"abaqus job=<job> interactive",
          "mpiCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<mpi-ranks> mp_mode=mpi interactive",
          "smpCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<smp-ranks> interactive"
          "stdCommand":"abaqus job=<job> interactive",
          "mpiCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<mpi-ranks> mp_mode=mpi interactive",
          "smpCommand":"abaqus job=<job> cpus=<smp-ranks> interactive"
          "displayName":"Rescale Support",
          "helpText":"The address of the FlexNet license server to use. ([port]@hostname)",
          "helpText":"The address of the Autodesk Simulation Composite Analysis License Server [port]@hostname",
          "label":"ASCA License Server"
          "name":"Basic Example"

This endpoint lists all the software available to your user on Rescale.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
industries Array<Object> The industries this analysis is used by
code String A unique identifier for this analysis
description String Describes this analysis
versions Array<Object> Describes all of the verions available for this analysis
supportDesks Array<Object> Describes all the support desks that can provide support for this analysis
vendorName String The name of the analysis vendor
pricing String The cost of this analysis
hasShortTermLicense boolean Indicates if a short term license can be purchased to run this analysis
licenseSettings Array<Object> The required license settings for running this analysis
optimizerType Object TODO
thumbnail String A path to the image used to represent this analsyis
resources Array<Object> Tutorial resources for this analysis
name String The name of this analysis


List All Jobs


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"

# filtering
curl -H "Authorization: token <api-token>" \
--get --data-urlencode "q=#tag or project:myproject"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

# filtering
from urllib.parse import quote

  '' + quote('#tag or project:myproject'),
  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "count": 3,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "analysisNames": [
            "clusterStatusDisplay": {
                "content": "Stopped",
                "labelClass": "",
                "useLabel": false
            "dateInserted": "2015-03-13T23:43:21.223052Z",
            "id": "OsKBd",
            "isVisible": true,
            "jobStatus": {
                "content": "Completed",
                "labelClass": "",
                "useLabel": false
            "name": "the FOAM 2",
            "owner": "",
            "sharedWith": [],
            "storage": 8014908
            "analysisNames": [
            "clusterStatusDisplay": {
                "content": "Stopped",
                "labelClass": "",
                "useLabel": false
            "dateInserted": "2015-02-07T01:57:14.332984Z",
            "id": "XZFQV",
            "isVisible": true,
            "jobStatus": {
                "content": "Completed",
                "labelClass": "",
                "useLabel": false
            "name": "the FOAM",
            "owner": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "storage": 8014906
            "analysisNames": [
                "Custom User-Defined MPI Software"
            "clusterStatusDisplay": {
                "content": "",
                "labelClass": "",
                "useLabel": false
            "dateInserted": "2014-10-09T23:00:36.198759Z",
            "id": "kikcT",
            "isVisible": true,
            "jobStatus": {
                "content": "",
                "labelClass": "",
                "useLabel": false
            "name": "MPI Hello",
            "owner": "",
            "sharedWith": [],
            "storage": 0

By default this endpoint retrieves all the jobs owned by the authenticated user (you). To see shared jobs, use the f query parameter (see below).

Query Parameters

Following query parameters are accepted by this endpoint, which will filter out the user’s jobs.

Query Parameter Type Accepted Values Description
job_status String The job status of interest. Must be one of PENDING, QUEUED, STARTED, VALIDATED, EXECUTING, COMPLETED, STOPPING, WAITING_FOR_CLUSTER, FORCE_STOP, WAITING_FOR_QUEUE. Filter out the jobs based on the exact status.
state String completed, not_completed Filters out the jobs based on complete and other non-complete status.
f String The visiblity status of the jobs. Must be one of 0, 1, 2. Filters out the jobs based on the visibility level (where f=0 is all jobs, f=1 is owned jobs [DEFAULT], and f=2 is shared jobs).
q String Text search, which can contain some structured elements (see below)

For the q parameter, plain text and “quote terms” are matched inside the job’s name or the name of analyses used with the job.

Additionally, there are some other job facets that can be matched:

Facet Matches
%23tagname Jobs that are tagged with “tagname”, and jobs that have associated files with “tagname” (%23 is the URI encoding for #) Jobs with a given owner, useful for shared jobs
comment:"some text" Jobs with comments matching “some text”
project:myproject Jobs assigned to myproject
software:FooWare Jobs that use the “FooWare” analysis
version:1.2.3 Jobs that use version 1.2.3 of an analysis

All of these facets can be combined with logical and, or and not operators (case-insensitive) and parentheses to structure specific conditions, e.g.:

#hastag and (not or project:myproject)

Response Properties

Property Type Description
clusterStatusDisplay Object Describes the current status of the job’s compute clusters
dateInserted String The date this job was created
name String The name of this job
analysisNames Array<String> The names all the analyses being run for the job
jobStatus Object Describes the current status of the job
sharedWith Array<String> Email addresses of the users this job has been shared with
isVisible Boolean Always true if you can retrieve the job
owner String The email address of the owner of the job
id String A unique identifier for the job
storage Integer Number of bytes used for the input and output files of this job

Get a Specific Job


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

req = requests.get(
  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}
    "archiveFilters": [],
    "billingPriorityValue": null,
    "caseFile": null,
    "expectedRuns": 3,
    "id": "aabbcc",
    "includeNominalRun": false,
    "isLowPriority": true,
    "isTemplateDryRun": false,
    "jobanalyses": [
            "analysis": {
                "code": "openfoam",
                "name": "OpenFOAM",
                "version": "2.3.1-openmpi",
                "versionName": "2.3.1"
            "command": "./airFoil2D_DOE/Allrun",
            "envVars": {},
            "flags": {},
            "hardware": {
                "coreSummary": {
                    "memoryPerNode": 3750,
                    "numberOfNodes": 1.0,
                    "storagePerNode": 4000
                "coreType": "standard-plus",
                "coresPerSlot": 1,
                "slots": 1,
                "walltime": null
            "inputFiles": [
                    "dateUploaded": "2015-03-26T23:08:33.700457Z",
                    "decryptedSize": 655816,
                    "downloadUrl": "",
                    "encodedEncryptionKey": "NYhibURTMAMKNWmWiDuUZxn+oUaRwp8iExaECpU6Dwo=",
                    "id": "duMEdg",
                    "isDeleted": false,
                    "isUploaded": true,
                    "md5": "60c6492014f73ad0c08da866b4ce9160",
                    "name": "airfoid2d_doe.tar.gz",
                    "owner": "",
                    "path": "user/user_KBdkT/airfoid2d_doe.tar.gz-12f94e2222a0feafea96d31e634af2c6",
                    "relativePath": "airfoid2d_doe.tar.gz",
                    "sharedWith": [],
                    "typeId": 1,
                    "viewInBrowser": false
            "postProcessScript": null,
            "postProcessScriptCommand": "",
            "preProcessScript": null,
            "preProcessScriptCommand": "",
            "templateTasks": [
                    "processedFilename": "airFoil2D_DOE/0/U",
                    "templateFile": {
                        "dateUploaded": "2015-03-26T23:09:46.256315Z",
                        "decryptedSize": 1344,
                        "downloadUrl": "",
                        "encodedEncryptionKey": "olx6Kn7vde1siRKoDqBRTkaT25k1x8P9IYy3PdhmFhk=",
                        "id": "qEMEdg",
                        "isDeleted": false,
                        "isUploaded": true,
                        "md5": "b4ae5cb300c8b3d1410231e8fd474110",
                        "name": "utemplate",
                        "owner": "",
                        "path": "user/user_KBdkT/utemplate-2f3c3004f5909acf0b7cc2a56c5be35c",
                        "relativePath": "utemplate",
                        "sharedWith": [],
                        "typeId": 2,
                        "viewInBrowser": true
            "useRescaleLicense": false
    "jobvariables": [
            "displayOrder": 0,
            "name": "Xvelocity",
            "valueGeneratorSettings": {},
            "valueGeneratorType": "",
            "variableType": "Param"
            "displayOrder": 1,
            "name": "Yvelocity",
            "valueGeneratorSettings": {},
            "valueGeneratorType": "",
            "variableType": "Param"
    "customFields": {
        "Deadline": {
          "meta": {
            "name": "Deadline",
            "valueType": "date",
            "enumOptions": [],
            "placeholder": "Date",
            "helpText": "Enter the date you expect the study to be completed.",
            "isMultiple": false,
            "isRequired": false,
            "allowOther": false
          "user": "",
          "value": "2023/12/05"
        "Development Status": {
          "meta": {
            "name": "Development Status",
            "valueType": "select",
            "enumOptions": [
            "placeholder": "",
            "helpText": "",
            "isMultiple": false,
            "isRequired": false,
            "allowOther": false
          "user": "",
          "value": "Exploration"
        "Study": {
          "meta": {
            "name": "Study",
            "valueType": "text",
            "enumOptions": [],
            "placeholder": "Study Name",
            "helpText": "",
            "isMultiple": false,
            "isRequired": false,
            "allowOther": false
          "user": "",
          "value": "test study"
    "userTags": [{ "name": "example tag", "normalizedName": "exampletag" }]
    "monteCarloIterations": null,
    "name": "Untitled Job",
    "optimizer": null,
    "owner": "",
    "paramFile": {
        "dateUploaded": "2015-03-26T23:09:25.532849Z",
        "decryptedSize": 55,
        "downloadUrl": "",
        "encodedEncryptionKey": "6kvS7Y3M6HXFcHos0rLUcEf4hNyupzn8x1j7CUU3qko=",
        "id": "sWErpg",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isUploaded": true,
        "md5": "9ba0663810a4568dece19b67533e2759",
        "name": "freestreamvalue.csv",
        "owner": "",
        "path": "user/user_KBdkT/freestreamvalue.csv-5ebf0b8ddbf834ec2e8e7e727de91c82",
        "relativePath": "freestreamvalue.csv",
        "sharedWith": [],
        "typeId": 3,
        "viewInBrowser": true
    "projectId": null,
    "remoteVizConfig": null,
    "resourceFilters": []

Retrieve the details of a saved job.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
archiveFilters Array<String> Filters on job visibility related to whether it is archived
billingPriorityValue String Priority for job hardware. Options are: ‘INSTANT’ for On Demand Priority, 'ON_DEMAND’ for On Demand Economy, 'RESERVED’ for On Demand Reserved.
caseFile Object File with case variables for DOE job
expectedRuns Integer Number of runs for a DOE, will be 1 for basic jobs
id String Job identifier
includeNominalRun Boolean Whether to include a nominal baseline run for a DOE job
isLowPriority Boolean Is this a low priority job?
isTemplateDryRun Boolean Run this job in “dry run” mode to check DOE templates
jobanalyses Array<Object> List of analyses for the job. Details below
jobvariables Array<Object> List of job variables for DOE job. Details below
monteCarloIterations Integer Number of iterations for Monte Carlo optimization job
name String Name of job
optimizer Object Job analysis representing optimizer used for optimization jobs
owner String Email address of job owner
paramFile Object CSV file with DOE parameters (DOE job only)
projectId String External project ID. This field is optional and will be null for jobs not assigned to projects.
resourceFilters Array<Object> Filters on file resources
resourceFilters Default filters No

List Job Output Files


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "dateUploaded": "2015-03-13T23:56:37.184619Z",
            "decryptedSize": 1680,
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "VkAWWRkKR9xJIDJTdkVK42O/7+Xo3M4LOaGvP6HjHMA=",
            "id": "xTyjeg",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "isUploaded": true,
            "md5": "8632d6580e922bd9f8691cc2d6ea3443",
            "name": "fvSchemes",
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_KBdkT/output/job_OsKBd/run1/airFoil2D/system/fvSchemes",
            "relativePath": "airFoil2D/system/fvSchemes",
            "sharedWith": [],
            "typeId": 5,
            "viewInBrowser": true

List output files for a given job

This will return a paginated list of all output files in the job. There are some querystring arguments that can be used to filter the returned files:

Argument Type Description
search String Limits the returned output files to the ones that contain this value.
page int The results page to return. Starts at 1.
page_size int The number of results to include on a single page.

For example: To return results 1-10 for all files that contain the string 'residuals’:


Response Properties

Property Type Description
dateUploaded DateTime Date file was uploaded to Rescale by job
decryptedSize Integer File size in bytes
downloadUrl URL URL for retrieving file
encodedEncryptionKey String Key to decrypt file
id String Id of file
isDeleted Boolean Whether file has been marked deleted
isUploaded Boolean Whether file has finished uploading (false means upload is in progress or failed)
md5 String MD5 string for file contents
name String Name of file
owner String Email address of file owner
path String Path for file in Rescale storage
relativePath String Path for file relative to job run
sharedWith Array<String> List of email address the file was shared with
typeId Integer Type of file (input, output, template, etc.), should be 5=output in this case
viewInBrowser Boolean Whether the file can be viewed directly on Rescale using a browser

Create a Job


Basic job, no input files

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d '
    "name": "Example Job",
    "jobanalyses": [
            "analysis": {
                "code": "user_included",
                "version": "0"
            "command": "echo \"Hello world\"",
            "hardware": {
                "coreType": "standard-plus",
                "coresPerSlot": 1
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
      'name': 'Example Job',
      'jobanalyses': [
              'analysis': {
                  'code': 'user_included',
                  'version': '0'
              'command': 'echo "Hello world"',
              'hardware': {
                  'coreType': 'standard-plus',
                  'coresPerSlot': 1


    "archiveFilters": [],
    "billingPriorityValue": null,
    "caseFile": null,
    "expectedRuns": null,
    "id": "LeeKa",
    "includeNominalRun": false,
    "isLowPriority": false,
    "isTemplateDryRun": false,
    "jobanalyses": [
            "analysis": {
                "code": "user_included",
                "name": "Custom User-Defined Software",
                "version": "0",
                "versionName": ""
            "command": "echo \"Hello world\"",
            "envVars": {},
            "flags": {},
            "hardware": {
                "coreSummary": {
                    "memoryPerNode": 3750,
                    "numberOfNodes": 1.0,
                    "storagePerNode": 4000
                "coreType": "standard-plus",
                "coresPerSlot": 1,
                "slots": 1,
                "walltime": null
            "inputFiles": [],
            "postProcessScript": null,
            "postProcessScriptCommand": "",
            "preProcessScript": null,
            "preProcessScriptCommand": "",
            "templateTasks": [],
            "useRescaleLicense": false
    "jobvariables": [],
    "monteCarloIterations": null,
    "name": "Jobbo",
    "optimizer": null,
    "owner": "",
    "paramFile": null,
    "remoteVizConfig": null,
    "resourceFilters": []

Submitting a Core Type Set job

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d '
    "name": "Example Job",
    "jobanalyses": [
            "analysis": {
                "code": "user_included",
                "version": "0"
            "command": "echo \"Hello world\"",
            "hardware": {
                "coreClass": {
                  "code": "coretype1-od-coretype2-od",
                "coresPerSlot": 1
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
      'name': 'Example Job',
      'jobanalyses': [
              'analysis': {
                  'code': 'user_included',
                  'version': '0'
              'command': 'echo "Hello world"',
              'hardware': {
                  'coreClass': {
                    'code': 'coretype1-od-coretype2-od'
                  'coresPerSlot': 1

Response for Coretype Set Job

  "archiveFilters": [],
  "billingPriorityValue": null,
  "caseFile": null,
  "expectedRuns": null,
  "id": "LeeKa",
  "includeNominalRun": false,
  "isLowPriority": false,
  "isTemplateDryRun": false,
  "jobanalyses": [
      "analysis": {
        "code": "user_included",
        "name": "Custom User-Defined Software",
        "version": "0",
        "versionName": ""
      "command": "echo \"Hello world\"",
      "envVars": {},
      "flags": {},
      "hardware": {
        "coreSummary": {
          "memoryPerNode": 3750,
          "numberOfNodes": 1.0,
          "storagePerNode": 4000
        "coreClass": {
          "acronym": "SP",
          "code": "coretype1-od-coretype2-od",
          "coreTypeConfigs": [
              "coreType": "coretype-1",
              "name": "Coretype 1",
              "order": 0,
              "priority": "od"
              "coreType": "coretype-2",
              "name": "Coretype 2",
              "order": 1,
              "priority": "od"
        "coresPerSlot": 1,
        "slots": 1,
        "walltime": null
      "inputFiles": [],
      "postProcessScript": null,
      "postProcessScriptCommand": "",
      "preProcessScript": null,
      "preProcessScriptCommand": "",
      "templateTasks": [],
      "useRescaleLicense": false
  "jobvariables": [],
  "monteCarloIterations": null,
  "name": "Jobbo",
  "optimizer": null,
  "owner": "",
  "paramFile": null,
  "remoteVizConfig": null,
  "resourceFilters": []

Creates and saves a job, DOES NOT start job, see submit below.

Job level fields

Field Default Required Description
name None Yes Human friendly name for this job.
paramFile None No File with parameter variables.
caseFile None No File with case variables.
jobvariables None No List of job variables for this job. See details below.
jobanalyses None Yes List of analyses for this job. See details below.
resourceFilters Default filters No List of filtering rules for output files.
isTemplateDryRun False No Run this job in “dry run” mode.
includeNominalRun False No Include the run with nominal variables.
monteCarloIterations None No Number of iterations in case the variables use a monteCarlo generator type.
billingPriorityValue None No Priority for job hardware. Options are: 'INSTANT’ for On Demand Priority, 'ON_DEMAND’ for On Demand Economy, 'RESERVED’ for On Demand Reserved.


A job may contain one or more variables. You might find this field useful in setting up a classic Design of Experiments job with Rescale.

Field Default Required Description
name None Yes Name for the the variable.
variableType None Yes Options are: 'Param’, 'Design’, 'Output’, 'Case’, 'Constraint’ & 'Objective’
displayOrder None Yes Order in which the variables appear in the Rescale UI
variableGeneratorType None Yes Options are: 'Normal’, 'Uniform’, 'Linspace’, 'FixedRange’, 'Triangular’ & 'LogNormal’
valueGeneratorSettings None Yes JSON blob describing the generator


A job needs at least one analysis. You can use analyses endpoint to get a list of current Analyses available on Rescale and the sample JSON schema for a particular analysis, which could help you in constructing your JSON blob.

Field Default Required Description
analysis None Yes Analysis to use. This field is a JSON blob with schema {“code”, “version”}. A GET call to /api/analyses/ end point should get you the code for software package you want. “version” is an optional parameter.
command None Yes Command to run this analysis with.
useMpi False No Whether you want to spin up an mpi cluster.
envVars Empty dict No Dictionary of environment variables for this analysis.
hardware None Yes Hardware settings for this analysis. Takes a JSON blob with schema {"coreType", "coresPerSlot"} OR {"coreClass", "coresPerSlot"}.
inputFiles None No List of input files for this analysis.
useRescaleLicense False No If the analysis has an option for using a Rescale provided license, set this field to True.
templateTasks None No The template file for this analysis.
preProcessScript None No Pre-processing script for this analysis.
preProcessScriptCommand None No Command to kick off the pre-processing script.
postProcessScript None No Post-processing script for this analysis.
postProcessScriptCommand None No Command to kick off the post-processing script.
onDemandLicenseSeller None No A dictionary with the schema of {"code", "name"} where code and name are the license provider’s code and name, respectively. Note that you should either pass this option or userDefinedLicenseSettings.
userDefinedLicenseSettings None No User-defined license settings for the analysis is a definition of multiple sets of license feature counts that the user expects the analysis to use for running the job. It is expected that only one of the specified featureSets will be used, based on which set has all necessary features available.
Takes a JSON blob with the schema of {featureSets} where featureSets takes an array of features with the schema of {name, features}. features in the latter takes an array of dictionaries with {name, count} schema.

Submitting a job with user-defined license settings for an analysis

import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
      "name": "Example Job",
      "jobanalyses": [
              "analysis": {
                  "code": "ls_dyna",
                  "version": "13.0.0"
              "command": "ls-dyna -i <input> -p <precision>",
              "hardware": {
                  "coreType": "emerald",
                  "coresPerSlot": 1,
                  "slots": 1,
                  "type": "compute",
                  "walltime": 24
              "envVars": {
                  "LSTC_LICENSE_SERVER": "25678@"
              "onDemandLicenseSeller": None,
              "userDefinedLicenseSettings": {
                  "featureSets": [
                          "name": "USER_SPECIFIED",
                          "features": [
                                  "name": "MPPDYNA_971",
                                  "count": 1
                                  "name": "LS-DYNA",
                                  "count": 1


Submit a Saved Job


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -X POST

Submits a saved job to run. No data returned.

Update a Job



Change the name

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"  -H "Content-Type:application/json" "" -X PATCH -d '
    "name": "Jobster"


    "id": "LeeKa",
    "isLowPriority": false,
    "name": "Jobster"

Delete a Job


Note that jobs that are currently executing cannot be deleted. You will need to stop the job first.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X DELETE
import requests

    headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Allowed request body fields:

Field Type Default Required Description
deleteInputFiles Boolean false No If set to true, the input files associated with the job will be deleted as well.

A 204 response code is returned upon a successful delete. No data returned.

Delete Multiple Jobs


You can delete multiple jobs at once by passing a list of job ids to the body of the HTTP request.

Note that jobs that are currently executing cannot be deleted. You will need to stop the job first.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X DELETE
import requests

    headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Allowed request body fields:

Field Type Default Required Description
jobIds Array None Yes List of job ids to delete.
deleteInputFiles Boolean false No If set to true, the input files associated with the job ids will be deleted as well.

Stop a Job


Submits a request to stop a running job. Poll the job/cluster status endpoints to monitor the exact time when the job is stopped.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

A 202 response code is returned if the stop request was successfully submitted. No data returned.

The above stop request will do several things:

  1. Send a graceful termination to the application the job is running and wait some time before killing the application
  2. Save all job output files to Rescale Files If you are interested in skipping parts of this lifecycle on shutdown, there are a number of more forceful termination requests:


This will SIGTERM the application and skip graceful application shutdown, job output files will STILL be saved.

If you also want to skip output file saving as well and immediately terminate the job:


If you use this last method, all job output data will be lost and unrecoverable. Use with caution.

Share a Job


Share a job with another user. If your user is associated with an organization, you will only be allowed to share your job with another user in your organization or an ISV support desk.

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X POST -d '
    "email": "",
    "message": "This job is not converging as quickly as I was expecting"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "email": "",
    "message": "This job is not converging as quickly as I was expecting"

Sample Response


List Job status history


curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "count": 6,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "status": "Completed",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:24:34.898495Z",
      "statusReason": "Completed successfully"
      "status": "Executing",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:15:59.012000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Validated",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:07:18.088000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Started",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:07:15.153000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Queued",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:07:04.761050Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Pending",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:06:32.086507Z",
      "statusReason": null
  "next": null

Response Properties

Property Type Description
status String A job status code
statusDate Date ISO8601 encoded date of when the job status changed
statusReason String (Optional) Extra context for the status. Eg, a failure reason

List Cluster Status History for a Job


curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "count": 6,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "status": "Stopped",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:25:20.717000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Stopping",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:24:38.158000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Stop Requested",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:24:35.260585Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Started",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:15:47.790000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Starting",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:07:25.127000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Not Started",
      "statusDate": "2016-04-21T17:07:04.719293Z",
      "statusReason": null

Response Properties

Property Type Description
status String A cluster status code
statusDate Date ISO8601 encoded date of when the cluster status changed
statusReason String (Optional) Extra context for the status. Eg, a failure reason

List Job extended logs


Gets extended logs for a job. Extended logs are the combination of the user logs seen on a job and the statuses of a job. The job statuses are reformatted to match the log format and sorted by date along with the logs.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:53:05.100317+00:00",
    "id": "hxzXS",
    "level": "status",
    "message": "Pending",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682657585100
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:53:25.618000Z",
    "id": "bLCOdb",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Verifying job submission preconditions.",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682657605618
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:53:26.877000Z",
    "id": "GXJbT",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Preconditions have been satisfied.",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682657606877
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:53:26.943829+00:00",
    "id": "wZsKdb",
    "level": "status",
    "message": "Waiting for Queue",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682657606943
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:53:27.105712+00:00",
    "id": "yXJbT",
    "level": "status",
    "message": "Queued",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682657607105
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:54:05.435000+00:00",
    "id": "NzCOdb",
    "level": "status",
    "message": "Started",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682657645435
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:54:08.188000+00:00",
    "id": "LhKbT",
    "level": "status",
    "message": "Validated",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682657648188
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T04:54:08.535000Z",
    "id": "VzCOdb",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Starting server(s)",
    "source": "Basalt, On Demand Priority",
    "timestamp": 1682657648535
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:24:27.368000Z",
    "id": "ThKbT",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Server(s) Started",
    "source": "Basalt, On Demand Priority",
    "timestamp": 1682659467368
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:24:32.034000+00:00",
    "id": "ZKCOdb",
    "level": "status",
    "message": "Executing",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682659472034
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:24:37.035000Z",
    "id": "hLCOdb",
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "message": "Running workflow...",
    "source": "Basalt, On Demand Priority",
    "timestamp": 1682659477035
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:25:58.851000Z",
    "id": "JXJbT",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Saving files...",
    "source": "Basalt, On Demand Priority",
    "timestamp": 1682659558851
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:26:02.260000Z",
    "id": "XzCOdb",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Finished saving files.",
    "source": "Basalt, On Demand Priority",
    "timestamp": 1682659562260
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:26:05.072000Z",
    "id": "VhKbT",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Job Finished",
    "source": "unknown",
    "timestamp": 1682659565072
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:26:05.080218+00:00",
    "id": "AXJbT",
    "level": "status",
    "message": "Completed",
    "source": "scheduler",
    "timestamp": 1682659565080
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:26:06.422000Z",
    "id": "fQTMk",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Shutting down cluster ...",
    "source": "Basalt, On Demand Priority",
    "timestamp": 1682659566422
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-04-28T05:27:08.513000Z",
    "id": "Gcaaa",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Cluster stopped",
    "source": "Basalt, On Demand Priority",
    "timestamp": 1682659628513
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-06-26T19:03:40.163000Z",
    "id": "zpdRk",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "CLUSTER UPTIME SUMMARY",
    "source": "platform",
    "timestamp": 1687806220163
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-06-26T19:03:40.181000Z",
    "id": "xXjea",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "(uptime metered by computing resource start/end time per node)",
    "source": "platform",
    "timestamp": 1687806220181
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-06-26T19:03:40.243000Z",
    "id": "MzdRk",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Compute node 1 dev-wquinn-cluster0199-cs-compute0-0 uptime: 3.7667 core-hours",
    "source": "platform",
    "timestamp": 1687806220243
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-06-26T19:03:40.249000Z",
    "id": "nNjea",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "------------------------------------------------------------",
    "source": "platform",
    "timestamp": 1687806220249
    "displayTimestamp": "2023-06-26T19:03:40.254000Z",
    "id": "BpdRk",
    "level": "INFO",
    "message": "Total Billable Uptime:                     3.7667 core-hours",
    "source": "platform",
    "timestamp": 1687806220254

Response Properties

Property Type Description
displayTimestamp String Timestamp of log
id String Id of log
level String Category of log eg INFO, ERROR
message String Log message
source String Where log was sent from
timestamp String Timestamp of log in Unix format

List Custom Fields in Your Workspace

Beta API endpoints may change without notice, and this document may not reflect their current behavior.

Get the current list of custom fields that apply to compute and workstation jobs in your workspace:


curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "fields": {
    "compute": {
      "Context": [
          "name": "Study",
          "valueType": "text",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "Study Name",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
          "name": "Deadline",
          "valueType": "date",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "Date",
          "helpText": "Enter the date you expect the study to be completed.",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
          "name": "Development Status",
          "valueType": "select",
          "enumOptions": [
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
          "name": "CAD Part Number",
          "valueType": "text",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
          "name": "Cost Center",
          "valueType": "text",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
      "Findings": [
          "name": "Simulation Outcome",
          "valueType": "select",
          "enumOptions": [
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
          "name": "Recommendations",
          "valueType": "text",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "Learnings from this job.",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
      "Inputs": [
          "name": "Design Version",
          "valueType": "text",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
          "name": "Load Case",
          "valueType": "text",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
          "name": "Material Property",
          "valueType": "select",
          "enumOptions": [
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": true,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": true
          "name": "Material Validation",
          "valueType": "select",
          "enumOptions": [
            "Plasticity Specified (check if yes)",
            "Johson-cook model used (check if yes)",
            "Yield criteria specified (check if yes)"
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": true,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": true
          "name": "Crank Length",
          "valueType": "number",
          "enumOptions": [],
          "placeholder": "",
          "helpText": "",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "isRequired": false,
          "allowOther": false
    "workstation": {}
  "isEnabled": true

Response Properties

Property Type Description
fields Object Keys with “compute” or “workstation” corresponding to the job type, with each containing keys for each section which has at least one field of “Inputs”, “Context”, or “Findings”
isEnabled Boolean Whether the interface to collect custom fields is enabled, and whether missing required fields can block a job’s submission

Field Properties

Property Type Description
name String The name of the field, which is also the name you use when POST-ing a value for a job to identify it
valueType Enum text, number, select, date, file, or user (see “Submit Custom Fields on a Job” below for information on how to format each type)
enumOptions Array For only the select type, the pre-defined options
allowOther Boolean For only the select type, whether the enumOptions are exhaustive or if users may provide a response of their own
placeholder String The label the input for this field shows when it’s blank, which may provide formatting or usage hints
helpText String Extended description or context for the field, if any
isMultiple Boolean Whether the response is expected to be a single value or an array
isRequired Boolean Whether the response must be provided before the job can be submitted. Required fields become locked after the job starts running.

Assign Custom Fields to a Job

Beta API endpoints may change without notice, and this document may not reflect their current behavior.

Custom fields can be assigned to a single job, allowing users to create additional custom fields specific to that job. The shape of the request is documented below in the request properties section


curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "fields": { ... }
import requests
  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
      "fields": { ... },

Sample Response

  "fields": {
    "Context": [
        "name": "Study",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "Study Name",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Deadline",
        "valueType": "date",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "Date",
        "helpText": "Enter the date you expect the study to be completed.",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Development Status",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "CAD Part Number",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Cost Center",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
    "Findings": [
        "name": "Simulation Outcome",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Recommendations",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "Learnings from this job.",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
    "Inputs": [
        "name": "Design Version",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Load Case",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Material Property",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": true,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": true
        "name": "Material Validation",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
          "Plasticity Specified (check if yes)",
          "Johson-cook model used (check if yes)",
          "Yield criteria specified (check if yes)"
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": true,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": true
        "name": "Crank Length",
        "valueType": "number",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false

Request Properties

Property Type Description
fields Object Keys with “Context”, “Inputs”, and “Findings” corresponding to

Fields Properties

Property Type Description
Context Array An array of custom fields that belong in the context category
Inputs Array An array of custom fields that belong in the inputs category
Findings Array An array of custom fields that belong in the findings category

Custom Field Properties

Property Type Description
name String The name of the field, which is also the name you use when POST-ing a value for a job to identify it
valueType Enum text, number, select, date, file, or user (see “Submit Custom Fields on a Job” below for information on how to format each type)
enumOptions Array For only the select type, the pre-defined options
allowOther Boolean For only the select type, whether the enumOptions are exhaustive or if users may provide a response of their own
placeholder String The label the input for this field shows when it’s blank, which may provide formatting or usage hints
helpText String Extended description or context for the field, if any
isMultiple Boolean Whether the response is expected to be a single value or an array
isRequired Boolean Whether the response must be provided before the job can be submitted. Required fields become locked after the job starts running.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
fields Object Keys with “Context”, “Inputs”, and “Findings” corresponding to the category in which the custom fields are assigned.

Field Properties

Property Type Description
name String The name of the field, which is also the name you use when POST-ing a value for a job to identify it
valueType Enum text, number, select, date, file, or user (see “Submit Custom Fields on a Job” below for information on how to format each type)
enumOptions Array For only the select type, the pre-defined options
allowOther Boolean For only the select type, whether the enumOptions are exhaustive or if users may provide a response of their own
placeholder String The label the input for this field shows when it’s blank, which may provide formatting or usage hints
helpText String Extended description or context for the field, if any
isMultiple Boolean Whether the response is expected to be a single value or an array
isRequired Boolean Whether the response must be provided before the job can be submitted. Required fields become locked after the job starts running.

List Custom Fields Assigned to a Job

Beta API endpoints may change without notice, and this document may not reflect their current behavior.

Custom fields that have been assigned to a job can be fetched with a GET request.


curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "fields": {

    "Context": [
        "name": "Study",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "Study Name",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Deadline",
        "valueType": "date",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "Date",
        "helpText": "Enter the date you expect the study to be completed.",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Development Status",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "CAD Part Number",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Cost Center",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
    "Findings": [
        "name": "Simulation Outcome",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Recommendations",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "Learnings from this job.",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
    "Inputs": [
        "name": "Design Version",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Load Case",
        "valueType": "text",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false
        "name": "Material Property",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": true,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": true
        "name": "Material Validation",
        "valueType": "select",
        "enumOptions": [
          "Plasticity Specified (check if yes)",
          "Johson-cook model used (check if yes)",
          "Yield criteria specified (check if yes)"
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": true,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": true
        "name": "Crank Length",
        "valueType": "number",
        "enumOptions": [],
        "placeholder": "",
        "helpText": "",
        "isMultiple": false,
        "isRequired": false,
        "allowOther": false

Response Properties

Property Type Description
fields Object Keys with “Context”, “Inputs”, and “Findings” corresponding to the category in which the custom fields are assigned.

Field Properties

Property Type Description
name String The name of the field, which is also the name you use when POST-ing a value for a job to identify it
valueType Enum text, number, select, date, file, or user (see “Submit Custom Fields on a Job” below for information on how to format each type)
enumOptions Array For only the select type, the pre-defined options
allowOther Boolean For only the select type, whether the enumOptions are exhaustive or if users may provide a response of their own
placeholder String The label the input for this field shows when it’s blank, which may provide formatting or usage hints
helpText String Extended description or context for the field, if any
isMultiple Boolean Whether the response is expected to be a single value or an array
isRequired Boolean Whether the response must be provided before the job can be submitted. Required fields become locked after the job starts running.

List Custom Fields on a Job

Beta API endpoints may change without notice, and this document may not reflect their current behavior.

Custom fields that are defined on a job are included as part of the response to the “Get a Specific Job” endpoint above.

You can also get them separately:


curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "Deadline": {
    "meta": {
      "name": "Deadline",
      "valueType": "date",
      "enumOptions": [],
      "placeholder": "Date",
      "helpText": "Enter the date you expect the study to be completed.",
      "isMultiple": false,
      "isRequired": false,
      "allowOther": false
    "user": "",
    "value": "2023/12/05"
  "Development Status": {
    "meta": {
      "name": "Development Status",
      "valueType": "select",
      "enumOptions": [
      "placeholder": "",
      "helpText": "",
      "isMultiple": false,
      "isRequired": false,
      "allowOther": false
    "user": "",
    "value": "Exploration"
  "Study": {
    "meta": {
      "name": "Study",
      "valueType": "text",
      "enumOptions": [],
      "placeholder": "Study Name",
      "helpText": "",
      "isMultiple": false,
      "isRequired": false,
      "allowOther": false
    "user": "",
    "value": "test study"

Each custom field which has a value for the job is represented as a value of the response object with the key corresponding to the field’s name:

Field Properties

Property Type Description
meta Object The definition and validation properties of the field. The structure of this document is explained above in “List Custom Fields in Your Workspace”
user String The email address of the user that set this field’s value.
value Mixed The value submitted for the field. See below in “Submit Custom Fields for a Job” for information on formatting values for each field type

Submit Custom Fields on a Job

Beta API endpoints may change without notice, and this document may not reflect their current behavior.

Attach values for custom fields on a saved job. Fields that are required must be submitted before the job is run and cannot be changed after. Optional fields may be added or amended at any time.


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{job_id}/custom-fields/" -d '{
    "Study": "my study"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
      'Study': 'my study',

Sample Response

  "Study": {
    "meta": {
      "name": "Study",
      "valueType": "text",
      "enumOptions": [],
      "placeholder": "Study Name",
      "helpText": "",
      "isMultiple": false,
      "isRequired": false,
      "allowOther": false
    "user": "",
    "value": "my study"

Keys in the response correspond to field names with values:

Field Properties

Property Type Description
meta Object The definition and validation properties of the field. The structure of this document is explained above in “List Custom Fields in Your Workspace”
value Mixed The value submitted for the field.

Formatting Values

If the field’s definition specifies isMultiple, the value must be submitted as an array, even if it contains one or zero items. Each individual item is formatted according to the valueType:

valueType Format
text "any string", quoted in JSON
number e.g., 42, 4.2, or with scientific/engineering notation 4.2e-10. Do not quote numbers in JSON.
select A string listed in enumOptions, or, if allowOther, any string. (If both allowOther and isMultiple, only one value in the array may be a custom string that does not appear in enumOptions)
date Dates are normalized as YYYY/MM/DD. You may submit them in this format, or use any well-known date or datetime format, though note that any time portion will be truncated.
user It is recommended but not required to use an email address for this field.
file The string identifier for a Rescale file, for which the submitting user must have at least read access.

Add a Tag to a Job


Add a new or existing tag to a job.

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{job_id}/tags/" -X POST -d '
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"

Sample Response

    "name":"new - tag _ 1",
    "normalizedName": "newtag1"

Get a list of Tags on a Job


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{job_id}/tags/" -X GET
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "name":"new - tag _ 1",
    "normalizedName": "newtag1"
    "name":"new - tag _ 2",
    "normalizedName": "newtag2"

Response Properties

Property Type Description
name String The displayed name of the tag
normalizedName String The name of the tag with spaces, dashes, and underscores removed

Remove a Tag from a Job


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{job_id}/tags/" -X DELETE -d '
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"

List Job Instances


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{job_id}/instances/"
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": "PbKoeg",
      "clusterId": "bUMOb",
      "instanceGroup": "compute0",
      "role": "CUSTOM",
      "publicIp": "",
      "privateIp": "",
      "privateHostname": "ip-10-25-14-159",
      "publicHostname": "",
      "dateStarted": "2023-12-07T17:47:25Z",
      "supportedServices": [
      "username": "uprod_OvTpU",
      "isBehindNat": false,
      "sshPort": 22,
      "tenancy": "default"

List VM instances for a given job. Note that some of the fields are for internal use, and thus undocumented.

Field Properties

Property Type Description
id String Id of instance
clusterId String Id of instance’s cluster
instanceGroup String Id of instance’s group
publicIp String The instance’s public IP
privateIp String The instance’s private IP
privateHostname String The instance’s private hostname
publicHostname String The instance’s public hostname
dateStarted DateTime The instance’s start date
supportedServices Array List of supported remote access options, such as “ssh”, “rdp”, “vnc”
username String The instance’s expected jobuser account name
isBehindNat Boolean Whether the instance is behind a NAT
sshPort Integer Port number for ssh access

List All Jobs in a Project


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"{organization}/projects/{projectId}/jobs/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
          "dateInserted": "2023-11-16T17:32:40.943867Z",
          "dateSubmitted": "2023-11-16T17:32:59.411076Z",
          "id": "coCnZb",
          "name": "Untitled Job",
          "owner": "",
          "workspace": {
            "id": "04-875358043",
            "name": "Eng Team 🦄🚀🤯",
            "configuredName": "Eng Team 🦄🚀🤯",
            "description": "Workspace for the Unicorn... Engineering Team",
            "isDefault": false,
            "jobProjectRequired": false,
            "showBillingItems": true,
            "preventUsersCreatingTemplates": false,
            "preventUsersCreatingUntemplatedJobs": false,
            "rescaleAuthEnabled": true,
            "hardwarePriority": "odp",
            "isPartner": false,
            "priceSchema": "2021r1",
            "autoshareJobsWithWorkspaceAdministrators": false
          "project": {
            "projectId": "duOxgb",
            "projectName": "ProjectZ",
            "posixUid": null,
            "posixGid": null
          "status": "Completed",
          "statusReason": "Completed successfully",
          "visibility": "Active",
          "isTemplate": false,
          "clonedFrom": null,
          "templatedFrom": null,
          "queuePriority": null,
          "userHasAccess": true,
          "billingPriorityValue": "ON_DEMAND",
          "hardwareSettings": [
              "coresPerSlot": 36,
              "slots": 1,
              "walltime": 8,
              "coreType": "Emerald Max",
              "coreTypeProperties": {
                "acronym": "E",
                "color": "#50c878"
              "hardwareType": "compute"
          "dateStarted": "2023-11-16T17:37:24.309135Z",
          "remoteViz": null,
          "jobAnalyses": [
              "isOptimizer": false,
              "analysisName": "Bring Your Own Software",
              "analysisType": "compute",
              "analysisVersion": "CPU"
          "isSuspended": null,
          "hoursSuspended": null,
          "isOnPersistentCluster": false


This endpoint retrieves all the jobs visible to the authenticated user associated with the specified projectId

Response Properties

Property Type Description
dateInserted String The date this job was inserted
dateSubmitted String The date this job was created
id String A unique identifier for the job
name String The name of this job
owner String Email address of job owner
workspace Array<Object> Workspace this job was run in
project Array<Object> Project this job is associated with
status String Status of the job
statusReason String Status reason of the job
visibility String Visibility of this job
isTemplate Boolean Whether or not this job is a template
clonedFrom String Where this job was cloned from if cloned
templatedFrom String What this job was templated from if templated
queuePriority String Queue Priority of this job
userHasAccess Boolean Wthere or not user has access to this job
billingPriorityValue String Priority for job hardware. Options are: ‘INSTANT’ for On Demand Priority, 'ON_DEMAND’ for On Demand Economy, 'RESERVED’ for On Demand Reserved.
hardwareSettings Array<Object> Hardware settings of this job
dateStarted String The date this job was started
remoteViz String RemoteViz for this job
jobAnalyses Array<Object> List of analyses for the job.

List Project Job is Assigned To


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{organization}/jobs/{job_id}/project-assignment/"
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response


List the project ID of the project that a job is assigned to.

Field Properties

Property Type Description
projectId String Id of project

Update Project Job is Assigned To


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{organization}/jobs/{job_id}/project-assignment/" -X POST -d '
  "projectId": "duOxgb"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
  json={'projectId': 'duOxgb'}

Sample Response


Update the project ID of the project that a job is assigned to.

Field Properties

Property Type Description
projectId String Id of project


A single execution of your workflow is called a run in Rescale parlance.

List Runs for a Job


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "count": 121,
  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "dateCompleted": "2015-02-18T03:09:14.667000Z",
      "dateStarted": "2015-02-18T03:08:49.117000Z",
      "displayOrder": 1,
      "id": "1",
      "isOptimal": false,
      "outputFileCount": 66,
      "outputFileSize": 8018226,
      "parent": null,
      "type": 3,
      "variables": [
          "displayValue": "20",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "x_velocity",
          "value": 20.0
          "displayValue": "3",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "y_velocity",
          "value": 3.0
          "displayValue": "-0.0187556",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "Cd",
          "value": -0.0187556
          "displayValue": "0.140742",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "Cl",
          "value": 0.140742
      "dateCompleted": "2015-02-18T03:07:13.049000Z",
      "dateStarted": "2015-02-18T03:06:46.477000Z",
      "displayOrder": 2,
      "id": "2",
      "isOptimal": false,
      "outputFileCount": 72,
      "outputFileSize": 8805863,
      "parent": null,
      "type": 3,
      "variables": [
          "displayValue": "20",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "x_velocity",
          "value": 20.0
          "displayValue": "3.5",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "y_velocity",
          "value": 3.5
          "displayValue": "-0.0248332",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "Cd",
          "value": -0.0248332
          "displayValue": "0.157982",
          "isRelative": false,
          "name": "Cl",
          "value": 0.157982

This call allows you to retrieve the first page of runs associated with job-id.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
count Integer The total number of runs in the job
next String The URL that will return the next page of results.
previous String The URL that will return the previous page of results
results Array<Object> An array of Run objects

Get a Run


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "dateCompleted": "2015-02-18T03:09:14.667000Z",
  "dateStarted": "2015-02-18T03:08:49.117000Z",
  "displayOrder": 1,
  "id": "1",
  "isOptimal": false,
  "outputFileCount": 66,
  "outputFileSize": 8018226,
  "parent": null,
  "type": 3,
  "variables": [
      "displayValue": "20",
      "isRelative": false,
      "name": "x_velocity",
      "value": 20.0
      "displayValue": "3",
      "isRelative": false,
      "name": "y_velocity",
      "value": 3.0
      "displayValue": "-0.0187556",
      "isRelative": false,
      "name": "Cd",
      "value": -0.0187556
      "displayValue": "0.140742",
      "isRelative": false,
      "name": "Cl",
      "value": 0.140742

Response Properties

Property Type Description
dateCompleted String The ISO8601 encoded date of when the run finished.
dateInserted String The ISO8601 encoded date of when the run started.
displayOrder Integer Used for sorting a collection of runs into their canonical order.
id String The unique identifier of the run within a job.
isOptimal Boolean True if the optimizer or analysis code has designated this as a run of interest.
outputFileCount Integer The number of output files associated with this run
outputFileSize Integer The total size in bytes of all output files associated with this run
parent String The identifier of the parent run.
type Integer 1 = Optimization, 2 = Iteration, 3 = Case
variables List<Variable> See below
Variable Properties
Property Type Description
displayValue String The value that will be inserted into the template
isRelative Boolean True if the variable values are relative to a default value entered into the template placeholder.
name String The variable name
value Float The floating point representation of the variable value

This call allows you to retrieve details for a single run within a job.

Stop a Run


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response


Stops an in-progress run. The workflow processes will be killed and any available output files will be uploaded to Rescale Cloud Storage.

Take a Snapshot

Taking a snapshot is a multi-step process. To do so, you’ll need to make the following API calls:

  1. GET{job_id}/clusters/?is_started=false

  2. POST{cluster_id}/tasks/

  3. GET{cluster_id}/tasks/{task_id}

  4. GET{cluster_id}/tasks/{task_id}/results

To download the file: 5. GET{file_id}/contents/

Snapshots only apply to runs that are currently in-progress. A snapshot is an archive of all files that currently exist in the working directory. After the archive is created, it is uploaded to Rescale Cloud Storage and is made available as a run output file.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '' -X POST -d '
    "type": "Snapshot",
        "job": XXXXX,
        "id": "1"

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import time
import requests

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Token YOUR_API_TOKEN'
job_id = 'XXXXX'

response = requests.get(

# Note: A Job may have multiple active clusters associated with it
cluster_ids = [d['id'] for d in response.json()['results']]

# Need JobId and Run number for snapshotting
for_snapshot = {
    "type": "Snapshot",
        "job": f"{job_id}",
        "id": "1"

# For each Cluster associated w/ Job, trigger a snapshotting task and wait for the result
results = []
for cluster_id in cluster_ids:
    response =
      headers=headers, json=for_snapshot
    is_complete = response.json()['isComplete']
    task_url = response.json()['urls']['details']
    # Don't poll this until isComplete == True
    results_url = response.json()['urls']['results']

    # Wait for completion
    while is_complete is False:
        response_data = requests.get(task_url, headers=headers).json()
        is_complete = response_data['isComplete']
    result = requests.get(results_url, headers=headers)

Sample Response for #1

  'count': 1,
  'next': None,
  'previous': None,
  'results': [{
      'id': 'HZkKc',
      'name': 'job_to_snapshot'

Response Properties

Property Type Description Integer Cluster Id. Integer Name of Job.

Sample Response for #2, #3

  'id': 'kodRk',
  'isComplete': False,
  'run': {'id': '1', 'job': 'hNxZk'},
  'type': 'Snapshot',
  'urls': {
            'details': '',
            'results': '',
            'statuses': '',
            'stop': ''

Response Properties

Property Type Description
id String Cluster snapshot task Id.
isComplete Boolean True/False whether snapshot task has completed.
type String Type of Cluster task.
urls Object Various URLs for different aspects of the task state/actions

Sample Response for 4.

  'file': {
              'dateUploaded': '2021-04-23T23:55:49.294210Z',
              'decryptedSize': 979,
              'downloadUrl': '',
              'encodedEncryptionKey': '12345EnCoDedKey678956rtzx',
              'fileChecksums': [{
                                  'fileHash': 'REEEEEEEALLLYLONGALPHANUMERICFILEHASH',
                                 'hashFunction': 'sha512'
              'id': 'OTVia',
              'isDeleted': False,
              'isUploaded': True,
              'name': '',
              'owner': '',
              'path': 'user/user_pCTMk/output/job_hNxZk/run1/',
              'pathParts': {
                              'container': 'platform',
                              'path': 'user/user_pCTMk/output/job_hNxZk/run1/'
              'relativePath': '',
              'sharedWith': [],
              'storage': {
                              'connectionSettings': {'region': 'us-east-1'},
                              'encryptionType': 'default',
                              'id': 'pCTMk',
                              'storageType': 'S3Storage'
              'typeId': 5,
              'viewInBrowser': False
 'type': 'Snapshot'

Response Properties

Property Type Description
file Object File object containing metadata w.r.t snapshot.
type String Rescale File type.

List Output Files


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "count": 63,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "nut",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:50.641761Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/0/nut",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "5BBRrtu98/BwNNTkPnJtgaHS2VZ0IzUwgQ+fFqc5rhk=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 1278,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/0/nut",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "dmpTse",
      "md5": "c2e31d85a3af9272841a8b00f3c07498"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "nuTilda",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:50.550979Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/0/nuTilda",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "dQ3xMn6zAZkUx84ClH3ATmKumeaNJfWGna2k/89/V/s=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 1268,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/0/nuTilda",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "fDhFDe",
      "md5": "24af84107af3a306e117b866b27b9c55"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "p",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:50.714078Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/0/p",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "ZHE2IT4ADwAJjfJYnYL4oBwp7YJ9cQr02nS3djnCHGA=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 1166,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/0/p",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "sOhFDe",
      "md5": "dfff0408d9e75c8f81dadeec9b248a46"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "U",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:50.465184Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/0/U",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "NxEzQf+pChx9716FY4cdSb+UIw9ow64BimupkxaExYA=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 1298,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/0/U",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "RapTse",
      "md5": "66aa52fa89123a8f6c3751d935b919d5"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "nut",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:50.931594Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/100/nut",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "M+X0Sxys9icqpXmdUreDnqg2TmLVL7B7vs68JiJDEU4=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 100195,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/100/nut",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "fmpTse",
      "md5": "84597f0bc96aaefd338109e6ddbe3493"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "nuTilda",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:50.862457Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/100/nuTilda",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "yg6l0x1NkYkXOPT3TRoxTnXVC3x9C/SaB+tLSX+6M+U=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 99221,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/100/nuTilda",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "hDhFDe",
      "md5": "489cb134eb1c14f6f5df760d9a421825"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "p",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:51.005975Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/100/p",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "cwQWYQLRl7+IIU462hGELzwz9iVxpf/CfgYUEQVndB4=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 86615,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/100/p",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "uOhFDe",
      "md5": "fb5df9fdf2fd6de74a0f38998831b252"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "phi",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:51.079312Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/100/phi",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "5fWxJl5KR7G3oVUYJjjYMzbSveYLAYF6AW8xFDahZtk=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 190707,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/100/phi",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "wMyXse",
      "md5": "2fb30c6d0e3ea1125a361ce069c46a80"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "U",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:50.787838Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/100/U",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "gHfNzchETji3v69TfeeyhBe0+owGJhNcX7PAzgmJha8=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 298228,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/100/U",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "TapTse",
      "md5": "0cc541d092ceda7e299ecb736c7905ee"
      "typeId": 5,
      "name": "time",
      "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:56:51.222466Z",
      "relativePath": "airFoil2D/100/uniform/time",
      "encodedEncryptionKey": "F3HkdyuOCnxO6NwIJbv6Zg+xzKTFZKxrc6NvuneB2QE=",
      "sharedWith": [],
      "decryptedSize": 968,
      "owner": "",
      "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_XXXXX/run1/airFoil2D/100/uniform/time",
      "isUploaded": true,
      "viewInBrowser": true,
      "id": "LosKDe",
      "md5": "62ac76eb8aae234370613d7350ac8685"
  "next": ""

This call allows you to fetch the metadata regarding all the files associated with run-id. You can then use the file-id to download each individual file.

Another, endpoint that is helpful in fetching files is, /api/jobs/< job-id >/files/ which will return all the files related to a particular job, including the output of all the runs.

Note: Output files are available only after a run has completed. If you want to retrieve a list of files for a run that is currently in progress, you should use the /api/jobs/< job-id >/runs/< run-id >/directory-contents/ endpoint.

List Directory Contents


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "path": "airFoil2D/0/U",
    "resource": "/api/jobs/XXXXX/runs/1/tail/airFoil2D/0/U"
    "path": "airFoil2D/0/nuTilda",
    "resource": "/api/jobs/XXXXX/runs/1/tail/airFoil2D/0/nuTilda"
    "path": "airFoil2D/0/nut",
    "resource": "/api/jobs/XXXXX/runs/1/tail/airFoil2D/0/nut"

Response Properties

Property Type Description
path String The relative path to a file in the run’s working directory
resource String The API url that can be used to retrieve the file’s contents

This call returns a list of files from the specified run’s working directory.

Note: This endpoint only applies to runs that are currently in-progress. After a run completes, all files in the working directory are uploaded to Rescale Cloud Storage and are made available as output files. Use the /api/jobs/< job-id >/runs/< run-id >/files/ endpoint to retrieve them.

Tail File Content


Field Default Required Description
lines None No The number of lines to retrieve from the specified file. If omitted, the raw binary contents of the file will be returned in the response.
curl -v -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
  params={'lines': 100}

Sample Response

  "fileType": "/home/job_fNjea/work/airFoil2D/0/U: ASCII English text",
  "lines": [
    "/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\\",
    "| =========                 |                                                 |",
    "| \\\\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |",
    "|  \\\\    /   O peration     | Version:  2.0.1                                 |",
    "|   \\\\  /    A nd           | Web:                      |",
    "|    \\\\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |",
    "    version     2.0;",
    "    format      ascii;",
    "    class       volVectorField;",
    "    object      U;",
    "// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //",
    "dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];",
    "internalField   uniform (25.75 3.62 0);",
    "    inlet",
    "    {",
    "        type            freestream;",
    "        freestreamValue uniform (25.75 3.62 0);",
    "    }",
    "    outlet",
    "    {",
    "        type            freestream;",
    "        freestreamValue uniform (25.75 3.62 0);",
    "    }",
    "    wall",
    "    {",
    "        type            fixedValue;",
    "        value           uniform (0 0 0);",
    "    }",
    "    frontAndBack",
    "    {",
    "        type            empty;",
    "    }",
    "// ************************************************************************* //"

Response Properties

Property Type Description
fileType String The file type as determined by the *NIX file command.
lines Array<String> An array containing the last N lines of the requested file where N is the value of the lines querystring argument.

This method can be used to retrieve the last N lines within a file or to stream back the entire file to the caller.

The path argument of the url corresponds to the path property returned in the List Output Files endpoint.

Note: This endpoint only applies to runs that are currently in-progress. After a run has completed, the /api/files/< file-id >/contents/ endpoint can be used to download the output file.


All file related operations are listed here.

NOTE: While you can upload and download files direcly using the endpoints described below, we highly recommend the use of Rescale CLI instead as it provides a more efficient and reliable way to transfer data from and to Rescale’s Platform.

List all Files


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "count": 365,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "typeId": 1,
            "name": "Crash_input.pc.gz",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-03-12T17:56:20.925043-07:00",
            "relativePath": "Crash_input.pc.gz",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "LkkPk2L2mwuc4OibUs3kJe2RIQrzXbfdWXp9xJhoX0s=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [],
            "decryptedSize": 56425931,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/Crash_input.pc.gz-0a87694a180172023d8a37f0c8aac965",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": false,
            "id": "WvNKdb",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "a3bc423552cf5457b2fcf4fad87e451d"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:57.418023-08:00",
            "relativePath": "",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "MQfYDI0UttkgN+N2K71N0/nodyTZi/GjNY1z/Jnmh88=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 2744,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "oHyEm",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "2deba2076c80c89e96749e58a26c0d99"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "post.echo",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:57.310163-08:00",
            "relativePath": "post.echo",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "wmB+YNh2IDdZURd79NJjOiAnAGxl8mzPVlwS8kLPGnc=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 248,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/post.echo",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "ZeFSa",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "6796616b942ff5eaa5b68041871b4a0b"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "therm.dat",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:57.205175-08:00",
            "relativePath": "therm.dat",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "eQ2twVf8T8J+/lwK7FQNa2Q2PROzlTj2DIyeUPTnuW8=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 201624,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/therm.dat",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "XgpAm",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "d133bafb80e2ebd460efd6cf13f0c42b"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:57.103260-08:00",
            "relativePath": "",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "4FY1kB/Ejq9r3n+Jz1um7yS+F/rXskAzlnDWFABr1HM=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 13959,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "JEvOa",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "a5d397df07e6b435d5d1f26eb9ebd4b2"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "process_output.log",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:57.006959-08:00",
            "relativePath": "process_output.log",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "haLrcqy/ePGyy7mJjr1J2ApBRQlEaH1UKvB49tNaflE=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 1262,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/process_output.log",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "LWoAm",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "7f2b5ba96aa67cb067193b2e44cbd91d"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:56.901907-08:00",
            "relativePath": "",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "TRHGVF0LrDgJ+x6x/hzwYKG34ITfGWTvlhs2a/n1FP0=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 593,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "wuvOa",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "4fdf0c787bd84d4b4b6bf7bf35df1690"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "restart0001.rst",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:56.801151-08:00",
            "relativePath": "restart0001.rst",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "iHom7vaSMIVItK0RX1s+gLb6z+vxMn3MwKMLSjvkeCY=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 625449464,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/restart0001.rst",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": false,
            "id": "VgpAm",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "61a8a7e517ee579d329f7ce56b865e97"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "dynamic.out",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:56.703897-08:00",
            "relativePath": "dynamic.out",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "213UMp+Rp2+d6wPzDCxge4X9pV9sIAYft+6WgdAq29M=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 14226,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/dynamic.out",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "GEvOa",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "82116340362aba67bb0c3b58d4ced65f"
            "typeId": 5,
            "name": "equiv_ratio_bin.out",
            "dateUploaded": "2015-01-27T11:06:56.602278-08:00",
            "relativePath": "equiv_ratio_bin.out",
            "encodedEncryptionKey": "hJ2qEY9k5PiVXyAlxHZt4/Qwv3xXWygKefer9Kn23wE=",
            "downloadUrl": "",
            "sharedWith": [
            "decryptedSize": 37210,
            "owner": "",
            "path": "user/user_OvdRk/output/job_RJFSc/run1/equiv_ratio_bin.out",
            "isUploaded": true,
            "viewInBrowser": true,
            "id": "JWoAm",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "md5": "1a2a0b8b3879726b9035cdd1b9308fd9"
    "next": ""

This call allows you to retrieve the first page of files owned by the current user.

Query String Arguments

Argument Type Required Description
search String No The (partial) file name to search for.
owner Integer No Specify owner=1 to exclude files that have been shared with the current user.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
count Integer The total number of files owned by the current user.
next String The URL that will return the next page of results.
previous String The URL that will return the previous page of results
results Array<Object> An array of File objects

Upload a File


This call allows you to upload a file from your local file system to Rescale.

Optionally, you can specify the id of a Library folder to upload the file to. Otherwise, the file will be uploaded to your MyLibrary folder. Note that files may only be uploaded to Library folders and not Job Folders since these are immutable and only created and populated through jobs.

NOTE: While you can upload files directly using this endpoint, we highly recommend the use of the Rescale CLI particularly if you are uploading very large files exceeding a few MB or if your connection bandwidth is very low. The Rescale CLI provides a more efficient and reliable way to upload files.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data'
-H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
-F 'file=@file_to_upload.txt'
-F 'current_folder_id="{optional_folder_id}"'
import requests

# Simple input file upload to MyLibrary root folder
  headers={'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
           'Authorization': 'Token \<token\>'},
  files={'file': open('file_to_upload.txt', 'rb')}

# Upload file to a specific library folder
    headers={'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
             'Authorization': 'Token \<token\>'},
    data={'current_folder_id': '{folder_id}'},
    files={'file': open('file_to_upload.txt', 'rb')}

# Upload with new file name and different file type

type_id = 1  # file type
new_name = 'new_file.txt'  #  new file name
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token \<token\>'},
  files={'file': (new_name, open('file_to_upload.txt', 'rb'), {'type_id': type_id})}

Sample Response

    "typeId": 1,
    "name": "testInput.txt",
    "dateUploaded": "2015-03-16T19:43:21.679246Z",
    "relativePath": "testInput.txt",
    "encodedEncryptionKey": "j/nYgAlnGIywZHyDwwzv+FxYVIlmKveMkY7qxAOuRhY=",
    "downloadUrl": "",
    "owner": "",
    "path": "user/user_OvdRk/testInput-e034314d-2c8e-432a-9c28-079bfbd8bcdd.txt",
    "id": "iCdseg",
    "md5": "cf78c029dc496e9c789db1463a4a84de"

Response Properties

Same as Get Metadata of a File

Delete a File


curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'{file_id}/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token \<token\>'}

This call allows you to delete a file from Rescale.


The response body has no content if the delete is successful.

Download a File


NOTE: While you can download files direcly using this endpoint, we highly recommend the use of Rescale CLI instead as it provides a more efficient and reliable way to download files.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
-o 'download_file.txt'{file_id}/contents/
import requests

response = requests.get(
  headers={'Authorization': 'Token \<token\>'}

with open('file_to_download', 'wb') as fd:
    for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size):

Download a file from Rescale.

Standard HTTP (i.e. RFC7233-compliant) Range requests are supported. A subtlety to note here is that the standard does not stipulate that all GET requests will accept a Range request, but instead just that a HEAD request would indicate whether a GET would accept a Range request. Rescale allows itself the flexibility to choose (potentially dynamically) which specific files it would allow a Range request for and which not.


The response body contains the file contents.

Get Plaintext Content of a File


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'{file_id}/lines/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "lines": [
        "This is line 1.\n",
        "This is line 2.\n",
        "This is line 3.\n",
        "This is line 4.\n",
        "This is line 5.\n"]

Response Properties

Property Type Description
lines List<String> A list of strings of the file.

This call allows you to retrieve the file contents in lines for a plain text file.

Get Metadata of a File


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'{file_id}/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "typeId": 1,
    "name": "Crash_input.pc.gz",
    "dateUploaded": "2015-03-12T17:56:20.925043-07:00",
    "relativePath": "Crash_input.pc.gz",
    "encodedEncryptionKey": "LkkPk2L2mwuc4OibUs3kJe2RIQrzXbfdWXp9xJhoX0s=",
    "downloadUrl": "",
    "sharedWith": [],
    "decryptedSize": 56425931,
    "owner": "",
    "path": "user/user_OvdRk/Crash_input.pc.gz-0a87694a180172023d8a37f0c8aac965",
    "isUploaded": true,
    "viewInBrowser": false,
    "id": "WvNKdb",
    "isDeleted": false,
    "md5": "a3bc423552cf5457b2fcf4fad87e451d",
    "userTags": [{ "name": "example tag", "normalizedName": "exampletag" }]

Response Properties

Property Type Description
typeId Integer 1 = inpute file, 2 = template file, 3 = parameter file, 4 = script file, 5 = output file, 7 = design variable file, 8 = case file, 9 = optimizer file, 10 = temporary file
name String The name of the file.
dateUploaded String The ISO8601 encoded date of when the file is uploaded.
relativePath String For output files (typeId = 5), the relative path is the path relative to the root output folder(user/{user_id}/output/{job_id}/{run_id}/{relative_path}).
encodedEncryptionKey String The key used to encrypt the files.
downloadUrl String The download URL of the file.
sharedWith List<String> A list of users of the file shared with.
decryptedSize Integer The decrypted file size in byte.
owner String The owner of the file.
path String The absolute path of the file being stored.
isUploaded Boolean If the file is already uploaded.
viewInBrowser Boolean If the file can be viewed in browser.
id String The unique identifier of the file.
isDelelted Boolean If the file is already deleted.
md5 String The md5 hash of the file.

This call allows you to retrieve details for a single file.

Update Metadata of a File


curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>' --data
    "typeId": 4,
    "name": "new_script.txt",
    "dateUploaded": "2015-03-17T00:24:39.531384Z",
    "relativePath": "new_script.txt",
    "encodedEncryptionKey": "83TFwNf5QxFaCOmluBQBnJ/L0yAC/2Z9MPs2pKZuUi4=",
    "downloadUrl": "",
    "sharedWith": [],
    "decryptedSize": 112,
    "owner": "",
    "path": "user/user_OvdRk/testLines-9425c8a5-08a6-4249-939a-2f060a4d0f25.txt",
    "isUploaded": true,
    "viewInBrowser": true,
    "id": "dNEXtf",
    "isDeleted": false,
    "md5": "4d479b49d26318068d3e23aa9d81e9ee",
    "userTags": [{ "name": "example tag", "normalizedName": "exampletag" }]
import requests

    "typeId": 4,
    "name": "new_script.txt",
    "dateUploaded": "2015-03-17T00:24:39.531384Z",
    "relativePath": "new_script.txt",
    "encodedEncryptionKey": "83TFwNf5QxFaCOmluBQBnJ/L0yAC/2Z9MPs2pKZuUi4=",
    "downloadUrl": "",
    "sharedWith": [],
    "decryptedSize": 112,
    "owner": "",
    "path": "user/user_OvdRk/testLines-9425c8a5-08a6-4249-939a-2f060a4d0f25.txt",
    "isUploaded": true,
    "viewInBrowser": true,
    "id": "dNEXtf",
    "isDeleted": false,
    "md5": "4d479b49d26318068d3e23aa9d81e9ee"
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "typeId": 4,
    "name": "new_script.txt",
    "dateUploaded": "2015-03-17T00:24:39.531384Z",
    "relativePath": "new_script.txt",
    "encodedEncryptionKey": "83TFwNf5QxFaCOmluBQBnJ/L0yAC/2Z9MPs2pKZuUi4=",
    "downloadUrl": "",
    "sharedWith": [],
    "decryptedSize": 112,
    "owner": "",
    "path": "user/user_OvdRk/testLines-9425c8a5-08a6-4249-939a-2f060a4d0f25.txt",
    "isUploaded": true,
    "viewInBrowser": true,
    "id": "dNEXtf",
    "isDeleted": false,
    "md5": "4d479b49d26318068d3e23aa9d81e9ee"

Response Properties

Same as Get Metadata of a File

This call allows you to update meta data of an existing file.

Add a Tag to a File


Add a new or existing tag to a file.

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{file_id}/tags/" -X POST -d '
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"

Sample Response

    "name":"new - tag _ 1",
    "normalizedName": "newtag1"

Get a list of Tags on a File


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{file_id}/tags/" -X GET
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "name":"new - tag _ 1",
    "normalizedName": "newtag1"
    "name":"new - tag _ 2",
    "normalizedName": "newtag2"

Response Properties

Property Type Description
name String The displayed name of the tag
normalizedName String The name of the tag with spaces, dashes, and underscores removed

Remove a Tag from a File


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{file_id}/tags/" -X DELETE -d '
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "name": "new - tag _ 1"


All folder related operations are listed here.

List root folders


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "MyJobs": "pCTMz",
    "MyLibrary": "BdTMk"

This call allows you to retrieve the root folders for your user. The folder MyJobs contains all of your job folders, one for each of your active jobs. The folder MyLibrary is the root folder of your library files and folders.

Create a folder


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>' -H "Content-Type: application/json"{folder_id}/
--data '{
    "name": "Brand new folder"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "name": "Brand new folder",

Sample Response

  "id": "AgoVk",
  "name": "Brand new folder",
  "dateInserted": "2024-10-29T15:05:18.916765Z",
  "type": "LibraryFolder",
  "ancestry": [
      "id": "pCTMk",
      "name": "my_library"
      "id": "TBuia",
      "name": "Parent folder"
  "job": null,

This call allows you to create a new folder using the id of the parent folder to denote where you want to the folder created. Note that this operation is only possible within your MyLibrary directory. Job folders within your MyJobs directory are immutable.


The response returns the created folder’s ancestry (see Get folder ancestry).

Possible Response Code

Property Description
201 Successfully created the folder
404 The parent folder id is not found or the parent folder was deleted.
400 The name or location of the new folder is not accepted. Either another folder of the same name already exists in that location (it may be active or deactivated), or the desired location of the new folder is within a Job Folder.

Delete a folder


curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'{folder_id}/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},

This call allows you to delete a folder and all of its contents: its files, its child folders and their descendants.


The response body has no content if the deletion is successful.

Get folder ancestry


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'{folder_id}/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "id": "thpAo",
    "name": "level_3_folder",
    "dateInserted": "2023-08-07T18:47:39.946002Z",
    "type": "LibraryFolder",
    "ancestry": [
            "id": "BNTMk",
            "name": "my_library"
            "id": "cHewo",
            "name": "level_1_folder"
            "id": "eFvOc",
            "name": "level_2_folder"
    "job": null

This call allows you to view the ancestry of a folder: its parent folder(s) all the way up to the root folder.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
id String Id of the folder
name String Name of the folder
dateInserted String The date this folder was created
type String The type of the folder: LibraryFolder, JobInputFolder, or JobOutputFolder
ancestry String The tree ancestry of the folder from its parent to the root folder
job String Id of the job if the folder is a job’s Input or Output folder (or a subfolder of), otherwise null

Possible Response Code

Property Description
200 Successfully retrieved the folder’s contents
404 The folder id is not found or the folder is deleted.

Get folder contents


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token \<token\>'{folder_id}/contents/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
        "type": "folder",
        "item": {
            "id": "thpAo",
            "name": "Some Data Folder",
            "dateInserted": "2023-08-07T18:47:39.946002Z",
            "type": "LibraryFolder",
            "ancestry": [
                    "id": "BNTMk",
                    "name": "my_library"
            "job": null,
            "isDeleted": false
            "type": "file",
            "item": {
                "dateUploaded": "2024-10-24T20:30:25.999385Z",
                "decryptedSize": 10635848,
                "id": "dEJJo",
                "isUploaded": true,
                "name": "map_of_the_death_star.pdf",
                "owner": "",
                "path": "user/user_pCTMk/map_of_the_death_star-4538523e-5670-4306-b2b4-a86a0d740c5f.pdf",
                "relativePath": "map_of_the_death_star.pdf",
                "pathParts": {
                    "path": "user/user_pCTMk/map_of_the_death_star-4538523e-5670-4306-b2b4-a86a0d740c5f.pdf",
                    "container": "dev-sperez-platform"
                "typeId": 1,
                "fileChecksums": [
                        "hashFunction": "sha512",
                        "fileHash": "e6f01240595b6c044c50f1b4026f2229059e698fb6d38144be514d3da45e5178f69201072d252fc7e1dd397578e74a221be4c3dd53ac3ff8eea7e906a5d32875"
                "viewInBrowser": false,
                "isDeleted": false,
                "downloadUrl": "",
                "storage": {
                    "id": "pCTMk",
                    "storageType": "S3Storage",
                    "encryptionType": "default",
                    "connectionSettings": {
                        "region": "us-east-1"
                "userTags": [
                        "normalizedName": "maps",
                        "name": "maps",
                        "count": 1,
                        "isFolder": false
                "encodedEncryptionKey": "5mEdqFX/vA99lj9pNEL8gNe+Zrsaug7xhSYzoQEEyaU="
    "allTags": [
            "normalizedName": "maps",
            "name": "maps",
            "count": 1,
            "isFolder": false

This call allows you to view the metadata and contents of a folder, including child folders and files. However, to view the contents of its child folders, a separate request must be made.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
next String The URL that will return the next page of results.
previous String The URL that will return the previous page of results.
results String An array of File objects and Folder objects.
allTags String A summary of all tags applied to the folder’s files and their total count.

Possible Response Code

Property Description
200 Successfully retrieved the folder’s contents
404 The folder id is not found or the folder is deleted.


Poll a Running Task


Storage Devices

List All Storage Devices


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

   "count": 3,
   "previous": null,
   "results": [
         "dateInserted": "2018-12-10T13:16:30.764554-08:00",
         "name": "Sample Storage One",
         "autoextend": true,
         "region": {
            "id": "pCTMk",
            "name": "us-east-1"
         "hardware": {
             "coresPerSlot": 18,
             "coreType": {
                 "code": "hpc-3",
                 "features": [
                 "color": "#ff4242",
                 "requiresTempSshAuth": false,
                 "io": "10 Gb/s",
                 "isPrimary": true,
                 "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
                 "displayOrder": 1,
                 "hasSsd": true,
                 "storage": 36,
                 "lowPriorityPrice": "0.1200",
                 "memory": 3750,
                 "isDefault": true,
                 "defaultWalltime": null,
                 "description": "HPC++",
                 "acronym": "O",
                 "price": "0.1700",
                 "gpuCounts": [
                 "mustBeRequested": false,
                 "isLowPriorityBeta": false,
                 "compute": "7.33",
                 "name": "Onyx",
                 "baseClockSpeed": "2.9",
                 "walltimeRequired": false,
                 "remoteVizAllowed": true,
                 "cores": [
                 "storageIo": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write"
             "coreSummary": {
                 "storagePerNode": 648,
                 "gpusPerNode": 0,
                 "numberOfNodes": 1,
                 "memoryPerNode": 60000
             "slots": 1,
             "type": "mountable_storage",
             "walltime": 5
         "owner": "",
         "secondAlert": 90,
         "urls": {
            "start": "",
            "fileDownload": "",
            "statuses": ""
         "storageSize": 120,
         "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_BNTMk",
         "availableSpace": 0,
         "id": "BNTMk",
         "firstAlert": 60,
         "sshConnection": "uprod.xnXAo@"
         "dateInserted": "2018-12-10T18:38:06.096877-08:00",
         "name": "Sample Storage Two",
         "autoextend": false,
         "region": {
            "id": "pCTMk",
            "name": "us-east-1"
         "hardware": {
             "coresPerSlot": 18,
             "coreType": {
                 "code": "hpc-3",
                 "features": [
                 "color": "#ff4242",
                 "requiresTempSshAuth": false,
                 "io": "10 Gb/s",
                 "isPrimary": true,
                 "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
                 "displayOrder": 1,
                 "hasSsd": true,
                 "storage": 36,
                 "lowPriorityPrice": "0.1200",
                 "memory": 3750,
                 "isDefault": true,
                 "defaultWalltime": null,
                 "description": "HPC++",
                 "acronym": "O",
                 "price": "0.1700",
                 "gpuCounts": [
                 "mustBeRequested": false,
                 "isLowPriorityBeta": false,
                 "compute": "7.33",
                 "name": "Onyx",
                 "baseClockSpeed": "2.9",
                 "walltimeRequired": false,
                 "remoteVizAllowed": true,
                 "cores": [
                 "storageIo": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write"
             "coreSummary": {
                 "storagePerNode": 648,
                 "gpusPerNode": 0,
                 "numberOfNodes": 1,
                 "memoryPerNode": 60000
             "slots": 1,
             "type": "mountable_storage",
             "walltime": 20
         "owner": "",
         "secondAlert": 90,
         "urls": {
            "start": "",
            "fileDownload": "",
            "statuses": ""
         "storageSize": 200,
         "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_caaaa",
         "availableSpace": 0,
         "id": "caaaa",
         "firstAlert": 60,
         "sshConnection": "uprod.GPfam@"
         "dateInserted": "2018-12-11T15:12:11.154340-08:00",
         "name": "Sample Storage Three",
         "autoextend": false,
         "region": {
            "id": "pCTMk",
            "name": "us-east-1"
         "hardware": {
             "coresPerSlot": 18,
             "coreType": {
                 "code": "hpc-3",
                 "features": [
                 "color": "#ff4242",
                 "requiresTempSshAuth": false,
                 "io": "10 Gb/s",
                 "isPrimary": true,
                 "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
                 "displayOrder": 1,
                 "hasSsd": true,
                 "storage": 36,
                 "lowPriorityPrice": "0.1200",
                 "memory": 3750,
                 "isDefault": true,
                 "defaultWalltime": null,
                 "description": "HPC++",
                 "acronym": "O",
                 "price": "0.1700",
                 "gpuCounts": [
                 "mustBeRequested": false,
                 "isLowPriorityBeta": false,
                 "compute": "7.33",
                 "name": "Onyx",
                 "baseClockSpeed": "2.9",
                 "walltimeRequired": false,
                 "remoteVizAllowed": true,
                 "cores": [
                 "storageIo": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write"
             "coreSummary": {
                 "storagePerNode": 648,
                 "gpusPerNode": 0,
                 "numberOfNodes": 1,
                 "memoryPerNode": 60000
             "slots": 1,
             "type": "mountable_storage",
             "walltime": 48
         "owner": "",
         "secondAlert": 90,
         "urls": {
            "start": "",
            "fileDownload": "",
            "statuses": ""
         "storageSize": 1024,
         "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_rCTMk",
         "availableSpace": 0,
         "id": "rCTMk",
         "firstAlert": 60,
         "sshConnection": null
   "next": null

This endpoint retrieves all the storage devices visible to the authenticated user, whether they are owned by, or shared with, that user.

Query String Arguments

Argument Type Description
active Boolean When set to true, this endpoint returns only non-terminated storage devices (Defaults to false)

Response Properties

Property Type Description
id String A unique identifier for the storage device
name String The name given to the storage device
owner String The email address of the storage device owner
region Object Specifies the region the storage device is launched in
hardware Object Specifies the hardware settings for storage device
storageSize Integer The total disk space allocated to the storage device in GiB
availableSize Integer The available disk space on the storage device in GiB
absoluteMountPoint String The path at which this storage device will be mounted on any cluster it is attached
sshConnection String The string required to connect to this storage device using SSH
firstAlert Integer The percentage of disk full at which to trigger the first email alert
secondAlert Integer The percentage of disk full at which to trigger the second email alert
autoextend Boolean Whether this storage device has the auto-extend feature enabled or not
autoextendPercent Integer The percentage of disk space full at which to trigger the auto-extend feature
dateInserted String The date this storage device was created

Get a Specific Storage Device


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

req = requests.get(
  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}
   "dateInserted": "2018-12-11T15:12:11.154340-08:00",
   "name": "Sample Storage Three",
   "autoextend": false,
   "region": {
      "id": "pCTMk",
      "name": "us-east-1"
   "hardware": {
       "coresPerSlot": 18,
       "coreType": {
           "code": "hpc-3",
           "features": [
           "color": "#ff4242",
           "requiresTempSshAuth": false,
           "io": "10 Gb/s",
           "isPrimary": true,
           "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
           "displayOrder": 1,
           "hasSsd": true,
           "storage": 36,
           "lowPriorityPrice": "0.1200",
           "memory": 3750,
           "isDefault": true,
           "defaultWalltime": null,
           "description": "HPC++",
           "acronym": "O",
           "price": "0.1700",
           "gpuCounts": [
           "mustBeRequested": false,
           "isLowPriorityBeta": false,
           "compute": "7.33",
           "name": "Onyx",
           "baseClockSpeed": "2.9",
           "walltimeRequired": false,
           "remoteVizAllowed": true,
           "cores": [
           "storageIo": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write"
       "coreSummary": {
           "storagePerNode": 648,
           "gpusPerNode": 0,
           "numberOfNodes": 1,
           "memoryPerNode": 60000
       "slots": 1,
       "type": "mountable_storage",
       "walltime": 48
   "owner": "",
   "secondAlert": 90,
   "urls": {
      "start": "",
      "fileDownload": "",
      "statuses": ""
   "storageSize": 1024,
   "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_rCTMk",
   "availableSpace": 0,
   "id": "rCTMk",
   "firstAlert": 60,
   "sshConnection": null

Retrieve the details of a saved storage device.

List Storage Device Statuses


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
   "count": 3,
   "previous": null,
   "results": [
         "status": "Started",
         "statusDate": "2018-12-11T15:15:22.527000-08:00",
         "id": "kbbaac",
         "statusReason": null
         "status": "Starting",
         "statusDate": "2018-12-11T15:12:12.631000-08:00",
         "id": "WyhoPb",
         "statusReason": null
         "status": "Not Started",
         "statusDate": "2018-12-11T15:12:10.610686-08:00",
         "id": "FzuDXb",
         "statusReason": null
   "next": null

This endpoint returns an ordered list of available storage device statuses. The first returned status is always the storage device’s latest (current) status.

List Storage Device Files


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
   "count": 4,
   "nextUrl": null,
   "results": [
         "name": "blue",
         "path": "blue",
         "fileType": "DIRECTORY",
         "label": null,
         "createdTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:47Z",
         "fileSize": 4096,
         "owner": "uprod.jWVVk",
         "lastModifiedTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:47Z"
         "name": "green.txt",
         "path": "green.txt",
         "fileType": "REGULAR_FILE",
         "label": null,
         "createdTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:52Z",
         "fileSize": 125375,
         "owner": "uprod.jWVVk",
         "lastModifiedTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:52Z"
         "name": "shared",
         "path": "shared",
         "fileType": "DIRECTORY",
         "label": null,
         "createdTime": "2018-12-11T23:15:09Z",
         "fileSize": 4096,
         "owner": "uprod.jWVVk",
         "lastModifiedTime": "2018-12-11T23:15:09Z"
         "name": "tmp",
         "path": "tmp",
         "fileType": "DIRECTORY",
         "label": null,
         "createdTime": "2018-12-11T23:15:20Z",
         "fileSize": 4096,
         "owner": "root",
         "lastModifiedTime": "2018-12-11T23:15:20Z"

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
   "count": 2,
   "nextUrl": null,
   "results": [
         "name": "baby-blue.txt",
         "path": "blue/baby-blue.txt",
         "fileType": "REGULAR_FILE",
         "label": null,
         "createdTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:47Z",
         "fileSize": 3596,
         "owner": "uprod.jWVVk",
         "lastModifiedTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:47Z"
         "name": "navy.txt",
         "path": "blue/navy.txt",
         "fileType": "REGULAR_FILE",
         "label": null,
         "createdTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:52Z",
         "fileSize": 1275,
         "owner": "uprod.jWVVk",
         "lastModifiedTime": "2018-12-12T21:05:52Z"

List files and directories for a given storage device.

This will return a paginated list of all files and directories under the specified {path} on the storage device. Each file/directory will have the following properties.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
name String Name of file/directory
path String Full path to file/directory relative to the work directory
fileType String Either DIRECTORY or REGULAR_FILE
fileSize String The file size in bytes
createdTime String Date and time the file/directory was created
lastModifiedTime String Date and time the file/directory was last modified

List Available Regions


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
      "id": "pCTMk",
      "name": "us-east-1"

This endpoint returns a list of regions available to create a storage device.

Create a Storage Device


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d '
   "name": "Sample Storage Four",
   "storageSize": 1024,
   "hardware": {
      "walltime": 48,
   "firstAlert": 60,
   "secondAlert": 90,
   "autoextend": true,
   "autoextendPercent": 80,
   "region": {
      "id": "pCTMk"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "name": "Sample Storage Four",
    "storageSize": 1024,
    "hardware": {
        "walltime": 48,
    "firstAlert": 60,
    "secondAlert": 90,
    "autoextend": true,
    "autoextendPercent": 80,
    "region": {
      "id": "pCTMk"

Sample Response

   "dateInserted": "2018-12-11T15:12:11.154340-08:00",
   "name": "Sample Storage Four",
   "autoextend": true,
   "autoextendPercent": 80,
   "region": {
      "id": "pCTMk",
      "name": "us-east-1"
   "hardware": {
      "walltime": 48,
   "owner": "",
   "secondAlert": 90,
   "urls": {
      "start": "",
      "fileDownload": "",
      "statuses": ""
   "storageSize": 1024,
   "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_GnHtk",
   "availableSpace": 0,
   "id": "GnHtk",
   "firstAlert": 60,
   "sshConnection": null

Creates and saves the storage device and its details.


Field Default Required Description
name None Yes Human-friendly name for the storage device
storageSize None Yes The total disk space to allocate to the storage device in GiB
firstAlert 60 No The percentage of disk full at which to trigger the first email alert
secondAlert 90 No The percentage of disk full at which to trigger the second email alert
autoextend False No Whether to enable the disk space auto-extend feature or not
autoextendPercent 60 No The percentage of disk space full at which to trigger the auto-extend feature
region None No The provider region in which to launch the storage device (Object with nested id field. See above to retrieve regions available to launch the storage device)
hardware None Yes The hardware settings of the storage device (Object with nested walltime, coreType, coresPerSlot)

Submit a Storage Device


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -X POST

Submits and starts a saved storage device.

Update a Storage Device


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"  -H "Content-Type:application/json" "" -X PATCH -d '
    "name": "Storagey McStorageFace"

Updates editable details for a saved storage device.

Terminate a Storage Device


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -X POST

Sends a request to backup files and terminate a started storage device.

A 202 response code is returned upon a successful termination request.

Forcefully Terminate a Storage Device


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -X POST

Sends a request to forcefully shutdown a started storage device: files will NOT be backed up and any jobs attached to the storage device may not complete successfully. Any data on the storage device will be lost and unrecoverable. Use with caution.

Attach a Storage Device to a Job


Mount storage device

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"  -H "Content-Type:application/json" "" -X POST -d '
    "storageDevice": { "id": "GnHtk" }
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "storageDevice": { "id": "GnHtk" }

Sample Response

    "storageDevice": {
       "dateInserted": "2018-12-11T15:12:11.154340-08:00",
       "name": "Sample Storage Four",
       "autoextend": true,
       "autoextendPercent": 80,
       "region": {
          "id": "pCTMk",
          "name": "us-east-1"
       "hardware": {
           "coresPerSlot": 18,
           "coreType": {
               "code": "hpc-3",
               "features": [
               "color": "#ff4242",
               "requiresTempSshAuth": false,
               "io": "10 Gb/s",
               "isPrimary": true,
               "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
               "displayOrder": 1,
               "hasSsd": true,
               "storage": 36,
               "lowPriorityPrice": "0.1200",
               "memory": 3750,
               "isDefault": true,
               "defaultWalltime": null,
               "description": "HPC++",
               "acronym": "O",
               "price": "0.1700",
               "gpuCounts": [
               "mustBeRequested": false,
               "isLowPriorityBeta": false,
               "compute": "7.33",
               "name": "Onyx",
               "baseClockSpeed": "2.9",
               "walltimeRequired": false,
               "remoteVizAllowed": true,
               "cores": [
               "storageIo": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write"
           "coreSummary": {
               "storagePerNode": 648,
               "gpusPerNode": 0,
               "numberOfNodes": 1,
               "memoryPerNode": 60000
           "slots": 1,
           "type": "mountable_storage",
           "walltime": 48
       "owner": "",
       "secondAlert": 90,
       "urls": {
          "start": "",
          "fileDownload": "",
          "statuses": ""
       "storageSize": 1024,
       "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_GnHtk",
       "availableSpace": 0,
       "id": "GnHtk",
       "firstAlert": 60,
       "sshConnection": null
    "jobanalyses": []

Mount storage device and stage files/directories to job’s work directory

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"  -H "Content-Type:application/json" "" -X POST -d '
    "storageDevice": { "id": "GnHtk" },
    "jobanalyses": [
         "order": 0,
         "inputFiles": [
                "name": "",
                "inputFileType": "COPY",
                "sourcePath": "colors/",
                "outputPath": "",
                "decompress": true
                "name": "blue",
                "inputFileType": "SYMLINK",
                "sourcePath": "colors/blue",
                "outputPath": ""
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "storageDevice": { "id": "GnHtk" },
    "jobanalyses": [
         "order": 0,
         "inputFiles": [
                "name": "",
                "inputFileType": "COPY",
                "sourcePath": "colors/",
                "outputPath": "",
                "decompress": true
                "name": "blue",
                "inputFileType": "SYMLINK",
                "sourcePath": "colors/blue",
                "outputPath": "",

Sample Response

    "storageDevice": {
       "dateInserted": "2018-12-11T15:12:11.154340-08:00",
       "name": "Sample Storage Four",
       "autoextend": true,
       "autoextendPercent": 80,
       "region": {
          "id": "pCTMk",
          "name": "us-east-1"
       "hardware": {
           "coresPerSlot": 18,
           "coreType": {
               "code": "hpc-3",
               "features": [
               "color": "#ff4242",
               "requiresTempSshAuth": false,
               "io": "10 Gb/s",
               "isPrimary": true,
               "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
               "displayOrder": 1,
               "hasSsd": true,
               "storage": 36,
               "lowPriorityPrice": "0.1200",
               "memory": 3750,
               "isDefault": true,
               "defaultWalltime": null,
               "description": "HPC++",
               "acronym": "O",
               "price": "0.1700",
               "gpuCounts": [
               "mustBeRequested": false,
               "isLowPriorityBeta": false,
               "compute": "7.33",
               "name": "Onyx",
               "baseClockSpeed": "2.9",
               "walltimeRequired": false,
               "remoteVizAllowed": true,
               "cores": [
               "storageIo": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write"
           "coreSummary": {
               "storagePerNode": 648,
               "gpusPerNode": 0,
               "numberOfNodes": 1,
               "memoryPerNode": 60000
           "slots": 1,
           "type": "mountable_storage",
           "walltime": 48
       "owner": "",
       "secondAlert": 90,
       "urls": {
          "start": "",
          "fileDownload": "",
          "statuses": ""
       "storageSize": 1024,
       "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_GnHtk",
       "availableSpace": 0,
       "id": "GnHtk",
       "firstAlert": 60,
       "sshConnection": null
    "jobanalyses": [
          "order": 0,
          "inputFiles": [
                 "name": "",
                 "inputFileType": "COPY",
                 "sourcePath": "colors/",
                 "outputPath": "",
                 "decompress": true
                 "name": "blue",
                 "inputFileType": "SYMLINK",
                 "sourcePath": "colors/blue",
                 "outputPath": "",
                 "decompress": false

Attaches a started storage device to a saved job. Optionally, stages files/directories from the storage device to the job’s work directory.

The attached storage device will always be mounted and accessible on the job cluster at the specified absoluteMountPoint returned in the response.


Field Default Required Description
storageDevice None Yes The storage device to be attached (Object with nested id field)
jobanalyses None No Job analyses corresponding to those on the job (Array<jobanalysis> as outlined below)

jobanalysis Level Fields

This level specifies the job analyses and the corresponding files/directories to stage from the storage device to the job’s work directory.

Field Default Required Description
order None Yes Integer zero-based order of the analysis to which to make these inputFiles available
inputFiles None Yes The files/directories (Array<inputFile> as outlined below)

inputFile Level Fields

This level specifies the files/directories to be staged from the storage device to the job’s work directory and whether to copy or symlink them.

Field Default Required Description
name None Yes The file/directory name (Array<inputFile> as outlined below)
sourcePath None Yes The source path of the file/directory on the storage device
outputPath None Yes The output path of the file/directory under the job’s work directory
inputFileType None Yes Whether to COPY or SYMLINK the specified file from the storage device to the job’s work directory
decompress None No Whether or not to decompress the staged file (Boolean)

List All Storage Devices in a Project


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{organization}/projects/{projectId}/storage-devices/"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": "nkaaa",
      "clusterId": "fFvOc",
      "storageSize": 1024,
      "dateInserted": "2024-02-17T05:45:45.398153Z",
      "owner": "",
      "urls": {
        "statuses": "",
        "start": "",
        "fileDownload": ""
      "sshConnection": null,
      "name": "Sample Storage Four",
      "firstAlert": null,
      "secondAlert": null,
      "walltimeAlert": null,
      "walltimeAlertHours": null,
      "periodicAlertHours": null,
      "toSharedUsers": null,
      "toWorkspaceAdmins": null,
      "autoextend": false,
      "autoextendPercent": 80,
      "region": {
        "id": "caaaa",
        "name": "N. Virginia"
      "availableSpace": 0,
      "mountPoint": "storage_nkaaa",
      "absoluteMountPoint": "~/storage_nkaaa",
      "runLowPriority": false,
      "hardware": {
        "slots": 1,
        "coresPerSlot": 18,
        "coreType": {
          "code": "hpc-3",
          "compute": null,
          "io": 10,
          "memory": 3750,
          "name": "Onyx",
          "storage": 36,
          "storageIo": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write",
          "cores": [
          "storagePerNodeGib": 648,
          "description": "HPC++",
          "displayOrder": 50,
          "isPrimary": true,
          "hasSsd": true,
          "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell)",
          "remoteVizAllowed": true,
          "features": [
          "mustBeRequested": false,
          "acronym": "O",
          "color": "#ff4242",
          "isLowPriorityBeta": false,
          "isDefault": true,
          "baseClockSpeed": "2.9",
          "boostClockSpeed": null,
          "gpuCounts": [
          "gpuInfo": "",
          "requiresTempSshAuth": false,
          "permitPriorityCompute": true,
          "permitLowPriorityCompute": true,
          "permitReservedCompute": true,
          "categoryCodes": [],
          "networkInformation": null,
          "networkBandwidthGbps": "10.00",
          "networkLatencyUs": null,
          "memoryPerCoreGb": "3.75",
          "instructionSet": null,
          "storageInformation": "2 GB/s read, 1GB/s write",
          "isEbsBacked": true,
          "supportsSuspension": true
        "coreSummary": {
          "numberOfNodes": 1,
          "memoryPerNode": 60000,
          "storagePerNode": 648,
          "gpusPerNode": 0
        "walltime": 48,
        "coreClass": null,
        "type": "mountable_storage",
        "scheduler": {},
        "rceConnector": {},
        "autosuspend": true,
        "instanceType": {
          "apiName": "c4.8xlarge"
      "analyses": [
          "code": "user_included",
          "name": "Bring Your Own Software",
          "version": "0",
          "versionName": "CPU",
          "thumbnail": "/static/img/icon-tools.png",
          "type": "compute",
          "osFamily": "linux"
      "projectId": "nkaaa",
      "workspace": {
        "id": "00-046880176",
        "name": "Rescale",
        "configuredName": "",
        "description": "",
        "isDefault": true,
        "jobProjectRequired": false,
        "showBillingItems": true,
        "preventUsersCreatingTemplates": false,
        "preventUsersCreatingUntemplatedJobs": false,
        "rescaleAuthEnabled": true,
        "hardwarePriority": "odp",
        "isPartner": false,
        "priceSchema": "2019r1",
        "autoshareJobsWithWorkspaceAdministrators": false
      "sharedWith": []

This endpoint retrieves all the storage-devices visible to the authenticated user associated with the specified projectId

List Project Storage Device is Assigned To


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{organization}/storage-devices/{storage_device_id}/project-assignment/"
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response


List the project ID of the project that a storage device is assigned to.

Field Properties

Property Type Description
projectId String Id of project

Update Project Storage Device is Assigned To


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{organization}/storage-devices/{storage_device_id}/project-assignment/" -X POST -d '
  "projectId": "duOxgb"
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
  json={'projectId': 'duOxgb'}

Sample Response


Update the project ID of the project that a storage device is assigned to.

Field Properties

Property Type Description
projectId String Id of project


All Pricing related endpoints are listed here.

List All Compute Prices


This endpoint retrieves all the compute prices available to the user. A valid API token is required to make a successful request.

import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "coreType": "sapphire",
    "os": "windows",
    "planType": "2021-on-demand-pro",
    "planName": "2021-on-demand-pro",
    "value": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "0.3231",
      "symbol": "$"
    "isActive": true
    "coreType": "sapphire",
    "os": "windows",
    "planType": "2021-on-demand",
    "planName": "2021-on-demand",
    "value": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "0.3231",
      "symbol": "$"
    "isActive": true
    "coreType": "sapphire",
    "os": "linux",
    "planType": "2021-on-demand-pro",
    "planName": "2021-on-demand-pro",
    "value": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "0.1789",
      "symbol": "$"
    "isActive": true
    "coreType": "sapphire",
    "os": "linux",
    "planType": "2021-on-demand",
    "planName": "2021-on-demand",
    "value": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "0.0806",
      "symbol": "$"
    "isActive": true
    "coreType": "emerald_max",
    "os": "linux",
    "planType": "2021-on-demand",
    "planName": "2021-on-demand",
    "value": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "0.0543",
      "symbol": "$"
    "isActive": true
    "coreType": "emerald_max",
    "os": "linux",
    "planType": "2021-on-demand-pro",
    "planName": "2021-on-demand-pro",
    "value": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "0.0673",
      "symbol": "$"
    "isActive": true

Response Properties

Property Type Description
coreType String The coretype’s code
os String The operating system type
planType String The billing plan type
planName String The billing plan name
value Dict The coretype’s price
isActive Boolean Whether or not the price can be used for billing purposes


List projects available to your user


This endpoint lists all projects available to the current user. The available projects are those associated with the groups you are a member of, which in turn is configured by your organization or workspace administrator. A valid API token is required to make a successful request.

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "count": 2,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": "pCTMk",
            "isDefault": true,
            "name": "Project without a budget",
            "remainingAmounts": [
                "(no budget)"
            "id": "BNTMk",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Project with a budget",
            "remainingAmounts": [
                "All: My budget ($100.00 available)"

Data Access

Data Access endpoints supporting Rescale Data products are listed here.

List All Jobs Metadata

Beta API endpoints may change without notice, and this document may not reflect their current behavior.


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

# All parameters example
  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "count": 9,
  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "dateCreated": "2024-11-14 21:34:36",
      "name": "Rescale AI Workstation – Heat Exchanger Thermal Efficiency",
      "status": {
        "status": "Completed",
        "statusDate": "2024-11-16T21:45:24.409338+00:00",
        "statusReason": "Exceeds job walltime"
      "owner": "",
      "workspace": {
        "id": "04-000265286",
        "name": "Automotive Division"
      "project": {
        "id": "wMTMk",
        "name": "Project EV-Battery-4079"
      "hardware": {
        "slots": 1,
        "coretype": {
          "name": "Grossular-1",
          "acronym": "Gr1"
        "walltime": 48,
        "autosuspend": false,
        "coresPerSlot": 4,
        "clusterStartTime": "2024-11-14T21:35:12+00:00"
      "jobAnalyses": [
          "analysisName": "Rescale AI Physics Interactive Workflow",
          "analysisType": "compute",
          "analysisVersion": "100324"
      "priority": "odp",
      "tags": [
      "customValues": {},
      "jobId": "uXgTse",
      "study": {
        "id": "P79-1",
        "name": "Heat Exchanger Thermal Efficiency",
        "description": "**Objective**: Evaluate the heat dissipation efficiency of the new heat exchanger design\n\n**Approach**: Run multiple simulations with parameter sweeps\n\n**Parameters**: Peak Temperature, Pressure Drop\n\n**Simulation Tools**: Comsol\n\n**Design Constraints**\n\nPeak Temperature \\< 400K\n\nPressure Drop \\< 625 Pa\n\n![](/api/v3/study-attachments/b374e51551585c822ed1919b940493c06edb88f3498eb6821115e1af37fb5d9fe8fe05144d84f940b1bb7f0189f5b07ce04be9f6fa1f8cec87c2eeb1d27d1934/)"
      "dateCreated": "2024-11-14 20:12:54",
      "name": "cfx_training_run_0",
      "status": {
        "status": "Completed",
        "statusDate": "2024-11-14T20:23:33.526723+00:00",
        "statusReason": "Completed successfully"
      "owner": "",
      "workspace": {
        "id": "04-000265286",
        "name": "Automotive Division"
      "project": {},
      "hardware": {
        "slots": 1,
        "coretype": {
          "name": "Grossular-1",
          "acronym": "Gr1"
        "walltime": 48,
        "autosuspend": false,
        "coresPerSlot": 4,
        "clusterStartTime": "2024-11-14T20:13:34+00:00"
      "jobAnalyses": [
          "analysisName": "Rescale AI Physics",
          "analysisType": "compute",
          "analysisVersion": "062024.1"
      "priority": "odp",
      "tags": [],
      "customValues": {},
      "jobId": "DKgTse",
      "study": {}

By default this endpoint retrieves all of the jobs metadata objects visible to the permissions level of the authenticated user (you).

Query Parameters

Following query parameters are accepted by this endpoint, which will filter out the user’s jobs.

Query Parameter Type Accepted Values Description
fields String date_inserted, name, status, owner, project, hardware, job_analyses, priority, tags, custom_values, job_id, study_name, study_short_name, study_description Comma-separated list of fields to include in response.
createdBefore String YYYY-MM-DD Filter for resources created before this timestamp.
createdAfter String YYYY-MM-DD Filter for resources created after this timestamp.
limit Integer 0-10000 default=100 Limits the number of records returned.

Response Properties

Property Type Description
dateCreated String Date time for the workload creation
name String Name of the workload
status JSONB JSON of the latest workload status; Contains status, status date time, and status reason
owner String Workload owner’s email
workspace JSONB JSON of the job account workspace; Contains account ID and name
project JSONB JSON of the project the job belongs to; Contains project code and name
hardware JSONB Hardware configuration for the workload; Contains slots, cores per slot, coretype, walltime, auto-suspend settings, and cluster start datetime
jobAnalyses JSONB Software(s) name and version for the workload
priority String Billing priority for the workload
tags List[String] Tags assigned to the workload
jobId String The external obfuscated public job identifier
study JSONB The study the job is a part of; Contains the study id, name, and description

List Jobs metadata Fields

Beta API endpoints may change without notice, and this document may not reflect their current behavior.


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

  "fields": [

This endpoint lists all of the fields provided by the jobs endpoint of the Jobs metadata summary objects.

Admin API

In order to be able to access the following endpoints, the API token used must belong to an organization or workspace admin.


List All Workspace Members


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/members/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "userId": "yCXPT",
    "fullName":"Ada Lovelace",
    "groups": [],
    "hasApiKey": false,
    "isOrganizationAdmin": true,
    "isWorkspaceAdmin": false,
    "lastLogin": "2020-09-08T16:09:37.729164Z",
    "status": "active"

This endpoint retrieves all users in the specified workspace.

Invite Members to a Workspace


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/invites/" -X POST -d '
[{"email":"", "fullName": "Ada Lovelace","groupId":""},...]
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
  json=[{"email": "", "fullName": "Ada Lovelace", "groupId": ""}, ...]

Sample Response

    "fullName":"Ada Lovelace",

Creates a record and sends an invite to the specified member emails to join the organization.


Field Default Required Description
email None Yes User email
fullName None No The full name to be pre-populated into the user’s profile
groupId None No The group the user should be assigned to once signed up


List Groups


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/groups/
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "id": "yCXPT",
    "name": "Aero Team",
    "memberCount": 3,
    "hardwareFilter": null

This endpoint retrieves all groups in the specified workspace.

Create Group


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/groups/" -X POST -d '
{"name": "Structural Team"}
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
  json={"name": "Structural Team"}

Sample Response

  "id": "iaKbt",
  "name": "Structural Team",
  "memberCount": 0,
  "hardwareFilter": null

Creates a group with the specified name.


Field Default Required Description
name None Yes Group name

Add Members


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/groups/<group-id>/members/" -X POST -d '
{"email": ""}
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
  json={"email": ""}

Sample Response

  "email": "",
  "groupId": "iaKbt",
  "groupName": "Structural Team",
  "isGroupAdmin": false

Adds a member to the specified group.


Field Default Required Description
email None Yes Email of workspace member to be added to the specified group
isGroupAdmin False No Whether this user should be an admin for this group (Boolean)

Remove Members


Removes the member with the specified email from the specified group.

Assign Hardware Filter


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/groups/<group-id>/" -X PATCH -d '
{"hardwareFilter": {"id": "GbQWc"}}
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
  json={"hardwareFilter": {"id": "GbQWc"}}

Sample Response

  "id": "iaKbt",
  "name": "Structural Team",
  "memberCount": 3,
  "hardwareFilter": {
        "id": "GbQWc",
        "name":"High Clock-speed Only",
              "processorInfo":"Intel Xeon Platinum P-8124 @ 3.00GHz (Skylake)",
              "allowLowPriority": true,
              "allowPriority": false
        "filteredCoreTypeSets": []

Assigns a hardware filter to the specified group.


Field Default Required Description
hardwareFilter None Yes The hardware filter to be applied, Object with nested id field required

Hardware Filters

List Hardware Filters


Sample Response

      "name":"High Clock-speed Only",
      "filteredCoreTypes": [
            "processorInfo":"Intel Xeon Platinum P-8124 @ 3.00GHz (Skylake)",
            "allowLowPriority": true,
            "allowLowPriority": false
      "filteredCoreTypeSets": [
            "code": "coretype-set-plus",
            "name": "Coretype Set Plus",
            "coretypeConfigs": [
                    "coreType": "coretype-1",
                    "name": "Coretype 1",
                    "priority": "od",
                    "order": 0
                    "coreType": "coretype-2",
                    "name": "Coretype 2",
                    "priority": "od",
                    "order": 1

Create Hardware Filter


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/hardware-filters/" -X POST -d '
    "name": "High Clock-speed Only",
    "filteredCoreTypes": [
          "code": "luna",
          "name": "Luna",
          "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon Platinum CPU",
          "allowLowPriority": true,
          "allowPriority": true
          "code": "carbon",
          "name": "Carbon",
          "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon Platinum CPU",
          "allowLowPriority": true,
          "allowPriority": false
    "filteredCoreTypeSets": []
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
    "name": "High Clock-speed Only",
    "filteredCoreTypes": [
          "code": "luna",
          "name": "Luna",
          "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon Platinum CPU",
          "allowLowPriority": true,
          "allowPriority": true
          "code": "carbon",
          "name": "Carbon",
          "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon Platinum CPU",
          "allowLowPriority": true,
          "allowPriority": false
    "filteredCoreTypeSets": []  

Sample Response

    "name":"High Clock-speed Only",
    "filteredCoreTypes": [
          "code": "luna",
          "name": "Luna",
          "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon Platinum CPU",
          "allowLowPriority": true,
          "allowPriority": true
          "code": "carbon",
          "name": "Carbon",
          "processorInfo": "Intel Xeon Platinum CPU",
          "allowLowPriority": true,
          "allowPriority": false
    "filteredCoreTypeSets": []  

Creates a hardware filter that can be applied to any group in the workspace.


Field Default Required Description
name None Yes Name for this hardware filter
filteredCoreTypes None No The coretypes to add to this hardware filter (Array of Coretype Objects)
filteredCoreTypeSets None No The coretype sets to add to this hardware filter (Array of Coretype Set Objects)

Coretype Object Fields

Field Default Required Description
code None Yes Code for the coretype to be modified
allowLowPriority None Yes whether to allow for On Demand Economy pricing
allowPriority None Yes whether to allow for On Demand Priority pricing
name None no name of the coretype object
processorInfo None no processor info of the coretype

Coretype Set Object Fields

Field Default Required Description
code None Yes Code for the coretype set to be included in the filter
name None No Id for the hardware filter to be assigned
coretypeConfigs None No Array of Coretypes within the Coretype Set configuration {coreType, name, order}

NOTE: either a Coretype Set or Coretype must be included in every hardware filter

Software Restrictions

View All Available Software


Sample Response

      "name": "Abaqus",
      "code": "abaqus",
      "versions": [
                  "version": "2020 (FlexNet Licensing)",
                  "versionCode": "2020"

Returns a list of all available software analyses and their versions.

View Software Restrictions


Sample Response

    "hasRestrictions": true,
                "code": "abaqus",
                "name": "Abaqus",
                "version": "2020",
                "versionName": "2020 (FlexNet Licensing)"

Returns a list of all analysis versions allowed for this workspace.

Update Software Restrictions


curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "<organization-code>/workspaces/<workspace-id>/analysis-versions/" -X PATCH -d '
                "code": "abaqus",
                "version": "2020",
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
                      "code": "abaqus",
                      "version": "2020"

Sample Response

    "hasRestrictions": true,
                "code": "abaqus",
                "name": "Abaqus",
                "version": "2020",
                "versionName": "2020 (FlexNet Licensing)"

Update the set of software analyses and versions available to the workspace.


Field Default Required Description
analysisVersions None Yes The analysis versions to be enabled for the workspace (Array of Analysis Version Objects)

Analysis Version Object Fields

Field Default Required Description
code None Yes Software analysis code
version None Yes Software analysis version code (not name)


View Workspace Billing Summary


Sample Response

    "jobs": 12900,
    "hardwareCharge": 23573.02,
    "softwareCharge": 0,
    "storageCharge": 500.25,
    "transferCharge": 0,
    "connectionsCharge": 0,
    "deposits": 0,
    "appliedCredit": 0,
    "appliedDeposit": -24070.78,
    "totalCharge": 2.49,
    "hardwareUsage": 540882,
    "storageUsage": 0,
    "transferUsage": 0,
    "id": "04-0468913198",
    "label": "Acme Co.",
    "activeUsers": 3,
    "csvUrl": "/organizations/acme/workspaces/04-0468913198/billing/csv/?startYear=2020&startMonth=9&endYear=2020&endMonth=9"

Returns a summary of workspace charges for the specified period.

Query String Arguments

Argument Description
startYear Year for start of period
startMonth Numeric month for start period
endYear Year for end of period
endMonth Numeric month for end of period

View Project Billing Summary


This endpoint returns a csv summary of charges for a specified project by line item.

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "{organization}/workspaces/{workspace}/billing/projects/{projectId}/csv/"
import requests

    headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

Workspace ID,User,Type,ID,Name,Custom Fields,Project ID,Project Name,Software,Rescale On-Demand License,License Settings,Month,Submit Date,Start Date,Stop Date,Description,Billing Priority,Cores,Unit Hours,Unit Charge/Hour,Charge,SKU,Job Type,Walltime
{workspace},{user},Compute,mjXbT,New Storage Device,,duOxgb,ProjectZ,,,,2024-02,"Feb 13, 2024 23:28:37","Feb 13, 2024 23:35:23",,High Performance Storage: 4-core storage cluster,,,29.37778,$0.0968,$2.85,HW-04US01-EM1-I21-L00,,
{workspace},{user},Storage,mjXbT,New Storage Device,,duOxgb,ProjectZ,,,,2024-02,"Feb 13, 2024 23:28:37","Feb 13, 2024 23:35:23",,High Performance Storage: 0.009765625 tb storage,,,0.071723090,$0.4842,$0.04,ST-04US01-BLK-00,,
{workspace},{user},Rescale Platform,mjXbT,New Storage Device,,duOxgb,ProjectZ,,,,2024-02,"Feb 13, 2024 23:28:37","Feb 13, 2024 23:35:23",,Rescale Platform,,,29.377777778,$0.0000,$0.00,,,


List projects available to a workspace


This endpoint lists all projects available to the designated workspace. The response includes which groups are assigned to the project (if any), whether the project is the default in the workspace, the number of jobs and storage devices related to the project, and whether auto-share behavior is enabled for users in the project.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>'
import requests

    headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

        "autoShareJobs": false,
        "groups": [
                "groupId": "nkaaa",
                "groupName": "Test group",
                "projectId": "pCTMk",
                "priorityQueueManagement": false
        "id": "pCTMk",
        "jobCount": 1,
        "storageDeviceCount": 0,
        "name": "Test project",
        "maxConcurrentCores": 42,
        "isDefault": true,
        "workspaceId": "00-046880176"
        "autoShareJobs": true,
        "groups": [],
        "id": "BNTMk",
        "jobCount": 0,
        "storageDeviceCount": 0,
        "name": "Real project",
        "maxConcurrentCores": null,
        "isDefault": false,
        "workspaceId": "00-046880176"

Get a specific project


Retrieve information about the given project, including which groups are assigned to the project, if any, whether the project is the default in the workspace, the number of jobs and storage devices related to the project, and whether auto-share behavior is enabled for users in the project.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>'
import requests

    headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Sample Response

    "autoShareJobs": false,
    "groups": [
            "groupId": "nkaaa",
            "groupName": "Test group",
            "projectId": "pCTMk",
            "priorityQueueManagement": false
    "id": "pCTMk",
    "jobCount": 1,
    "storageDeviceCount": 0,
    "name": "Test project",
    "maxConcurrentCores": 42,
    "isDefault": true,
    "workspaceId": "00-046880176"

Create a project


Add a new project in the given workspace, and return a description of the new project.


Field Default Required Description
name None Yes A unique name within the workspace.
isDefault False No Whether the project is the default in the workspace, may only be True if a default does not already exist.
autoShareJobs False No Desired auto-sharing behavior.
maxConcurrentCores False None Desired concurrent core limitation, if any.
curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
    "name": "New project",
    "isDefault": false,
    "autoShareJobs": false,
    "maxConcurrentCores": 42
import requests
    headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
             'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
        'name': 'New project',
        'isDefault': False,
        'autoShareJobs': False,
        'maxConcurrentCores': 42

Sample Response

    "autoShareJobs": false,
    "groups": [],
    "id": "pkaaa",
    "jobCount": 0,
    "storageDeviceCount": 0,
    "name": "New project",
    "maxConcurrentCores": 42,
    "isDefault": false,
    "workspaceId": "00-046880176"

Update a project


Change the settings for a given project, and return a description of the updated project.


Field Default Required Description
name None Yes A unique name within the workspace.
isDefault False No Whether the project is the default in the workspace, may only be True if a default does not already exist.
autoShareJobs False No Desired auto-sharing behavior.
maxConcurrentCores False None Desired concurrent core limitation, if any.
curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PATCH -d '
    "name": "Updated project name",
    "isDefault": false,
    "autoShareJobs": false,
    "maxConcurrentCores": null
import requests

    headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
             'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
        'name': 'Updated project name',
        'isDefault': False,
        'autoShareJobs': False,
        'maxConcurrentCores': None

Sample Response

    "autoShareJobs": false,
    "groups": [],
    "id": "pkaaa",
    "jobCount": 0,
    "storageDeviceCount": 0,
    "name": "Updated project name",
    "maxConcurrentCores": null,
    "isDefault": false,
    "workspaceId": "00-046880176"

Delete a project


Remove a project in the workspace.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -X DELETE
import requests

    headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

Assign a group to a project


Associate the given group and project, allowing group members to create jobs under the project.

Field Default Required Description
groupId None Yes Identifier of the group to associate.
curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
    "groupId": "pkaaa"
import requests
    headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
             'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'},
        'groupId': 'pkaaa'

Sample Response

    "groupId": "pkaaa",
    "groupName": "A group",
    "projectId": "pCTMk",
    "priorityQueueManagement": false

Remove a group from a project


Remove the association between a group and a project. Users in the group will no longer be able to submit jobs to the project, unless they are members of another group that still has an association.

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' -X DELETE
import requests

    headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}


Job Creation

In this tutorial we are going to create a basic job as described on the resources using the API.

Uploading your data

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data' \
-H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' \
-F "" \
  files={'file': open('')},
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}


  "typeId": 1,
  "name": "",
  "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:20:09.596996Z",
  "relativePath": "",
  "encodedEncryptionKey": "3VgE0Ql/6hGwGNOF+TXMHNsthAdae9C+8tiIfuoDpPA=",
  "sharedWith": [],
  "decryptedSize": 663368,
  "owner": "",
  "path": "user/user_OvdRk/",
  "isUploaded": true,
  "viewInBrowser": false,
  "id": "XkpTse",
  "md5": "0b66f3069732b02fe6c132f4cbd2f5b8"

In order to upload your files to the platform, you need to send them as a multipart HTTP POST requests to the API. The form should contain a file field which is the file you want to upload.

Once the file is uploaded, the server should return a JSON blob which contains amongst other things, the id of the File you just uploaded. This field is going to come in handy when referring to this particular file in all the other calls to the API.

Choosing an analysis

curl -H "Authorization: Token <api-token>"
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}


  "industries": [
      "name": "Aerospace",
      "icon": ""
      "name": "Automotive",
      "icon": ""
  "code": "openfoam",
  "description": "<p><b>OpenFOAM</b> (<b>Open</b>-source <b>F</b>ield <b>O</b>peration <b>A</b>nd <b>M</b>anipulation is a C++ toolbox for the development of customized numerical solvers, and pre-/post-processing utilities for the solution of continuum mechanics problems, including computational fluid dynamics (CFD).</p>",
  "versions": [
      "eula": null,
      "allowedCoreTypes": [
      "stdCommand": "foamExec <module> <input-file>",
      "version": "2.3.0",
      "mpiCommand": "mpirun -np <mpi-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel",
      "versionCode": "2.3.0-openmpi",
      "smpCommand": "mpirun -np <smp-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel"
      "eula": null,
      "allowedCoreTypes": [
      "stdCommand": "foamExec <module> <input-file>",
      "version": "2.2.2",
      "mpiCommand": "mpirun -np <mpi-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel",
      "versionCode": "2.2.2-openmpi",
      "smpCommand": "mpirun -np <smp-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel"
      "eula": null,
      "allowedCoreTypes": [
      "stdCommand": "foamExec <module> <input-file>",
      "version": "2.2.0",
      "mpiCommand": "mpirun -np <mpi-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel",
      "versionCode": "2.2.0-openmpi",
      "smpCommand": "mpirun -np <smp-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel"
      "eula": null,
      "allowedCoreTypes": [
      "stdCommand": "foamExec <module> <input-file>",
      "version": "2.1.1",
      "mpiCommand": "mpirun -np <mpi-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel",
      "versionCode": "2.1.1-openmpi",
      "smpCommand": "mpirun -np <smp-ranks> foamExec <module> <input-file> -parallel"
  "supportDesks": [
      "code": "rescale",
      "displayName": "Rescale Support",
      "email": ""
  "hasRescaleLicense": false,
  "vendorName": "",
  "pricing": "",
  "licenseSettings": [],
  "optimizerType": null,
  "thumbnail": "",
  "resources": [],
  "name": "OpenFOAM"

A Rescale job is composed of one or more analyses (software packages). A GET call to the analysis endpoint lists out all the analyses available on the platform. A single analysis may have multiple versions. You can use the code and versionCode returned here to select the analysis while creating a Job. Additionally the meta data returned by this call is instructive for expected values in the “command” string for a given analysis. In this example we’ll use OpenFOAM.

Setting up your Rescale Job

cat <<EOF > data.json
  "name": "Basic Job",
  "jobanalyses": [
      "useMpi": false,
      "command": "./airFoil2D/Allrun",
      "analysis": {
        "code": "openfoam",
        "version": "2.3.0-openmpi"
      "hardware": {
        "coresPerSlot": 1,
        "slots": 1,
        "coreType": "standard-plus"
      "inputFiles": [
          "id": "XkpTse"
curl -X POST --data @data.json \
-H "Authorization: Token <api-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
import requests
    'name': 'Basic Job',
    'jobanalyses': [
        'useMpi': false,
        'command': './airFoil2D/Allrun',
        'analysis': {
          'code': 'openfoam',
          'version': '2.3.0-openmpi'
        'hardware': {
          'coresPerSlot': 1,
          'slots': 1,
          'coreType': 'standard-plus'
        'inputFiles': [
            'id': 'XkpTse'
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}


  "monteCarloIterations": null,
  "paramFile": null,
  "name": "Basic Job",
  "includeNominalRun": false,
  "jobanalyses": [
      "envVars": null,
      "useMpi": false,
      "postProcessScriptCommand": "",
      "preProcessScriptCommand": "",
      "useRescaleLicense": false,
      "templateTasks": [],
      "analysis": {
        "code": "openfoam",
        "version": "2.3.0-openmpi"
      "hardware": {
        "coreSummary": {
          "storagePerNode": 4000,
          "numberOfNodes": 1,
          "memoryPerNode": 3750
        "coresPerSlot": 1,
        "slots": 1,
        "coreType": "standard-plus"
      "command": "./airFoil2D/Allrun",
      "preProcessScript": null,
      "postProcessScript": null,
      "inputFiles": [
          "typeId": 1,
          "name": "",
          "dateUploaded": "2014-11-12T22:20:09.596996Z",
          "relativePath": "",
          "encodedEncryptionKey": "3VgE0Ql/6hGwGNOF+TXMHNsthAdae9C+8tiIfuoDpPA=",
          "sharedWith": [],
          "decryptedSize": 663368,
          "owner": "",
          "path": "user/user_OvdRk/",
          "isUploaded": true,
          "viewInBrowser": false,
          "id": "XkpTse",
          "md5": "0b66f3069732b02fe6c132f4cbd2f5b8"
  "resourceFilters": [
      "caseSensitive": false,
      "include": true,
      "filterType": "Analysis generated files",
      "selector": "Analysis generated files"
      "caseSensitive": false,
      "include": true,
      "filterType": "Completed templates",
      "selector": "Completed templates"
      "caseSensitive": false,
      "include": true,
      "filterType": "Input files",
      "selector": "Input files"
  "jobvariables": [],
  "isTemplateDryRun": false,
  "remoteVizConfig": null,
  "caseFile": null,
  "isLowPriority": false,
  "owner": "",
  "optimizer": null,
  "expectedRuns": null,
  "id": "QTVia",
  "archiveFilters": []

A Rescale Job is composed of one or more software packages which we refer to as analyses. Thus the properties can be either at the Job level (i.e Global) or on a JobAnalysis level. See the job endpoint for information on the fields available.

Submitting your job

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' \
import requests
  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

If the job creation was successful, server should respond back with the full schema of the job as stored on the backend. Contained within the JSON response is the job id. We will use this id to submit, monitor and get the results from the job.

Monitoring your job

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>'
import requests

  headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}


  "count": 5,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "status": "Executing",
      "statusDate": "2014-11-12T22:55:45.804000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Validated",
      "statusDate": "2014-11-12T22:52:12.065000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Started",
      "statusDate": "2014-11-12T22:52:11.456000Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Queued",
      "statusDate": "2014-11-12T22:52:11.073170Z",
      "statusReason": null
      "status": "Pending",
      "statusDate": "2014-11-12T22:52:10.125011Z",
      "statusReason": null
  "next": null

A GET call to this endpoint returns all the statuses associated with the specified job in order of their recency.

Getting results

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>'
import requests

  headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}


  "count": 1,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "dateCompleted": null,
      "parent": null,
      "variables": [],
      "outputFileSize": null,
      "outputFileCount": 0,
      "dateStarted": "2014-11-12T22:55:56.659000Z",
      "type": 3,
      "id": "1",
      "displayOrder": 1,
      "isOptimal": false
  "next": null

A single execution of your workflow is called a run in Rescale parlance. When a job is in either “Completed” or “Executing” state, you can query the job runs endpoint for a list of finished runs.

This is a basic job and therefore has 1 run. DOE jobs would have multiple runs, which could be queried individually by sending a request to the run endpoint with the run id in the path.

File download

curl -H 'Authorization: Token <api-token>' \ > process_output.log
import requests
from contextlib import closing

headers={'Authorization': 'Token <api-token>'}

with closing(requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True)) as r:
  with open('process_output.log', 'rw') as f:
    for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=100):

We can list all the output files for the job by sending a request to the output files endpoint. With those ids, we can download files by issuing a GET call to the file download endpoint.